Conversion Charts

This conversion charts page is an important page if you want to use the authentic German recipes of Almost daily we get requests to convert the recipes into US measures. This is understandable and we know that grams and liters are  a different measure world in cooking. Let’s talk about now why we don’t convert the recipes.

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Grams, liters, kilogram are the measures if the professional cuisine. The German recipes on this website are all original German, so they are in the German measures. If we would start to convert now almost 500 recipes how long would you think it would take us to do this? Yes, quite a long time. PLUS the cooking and baking results might not turn out as they should be.

Example: The recipe asks for 175 g butter. One stick of butter is 113,4 gram. Can you see how complicated this will get? It is way easier to get a good quality digital or manual scale. It is a good investment to spend $10-30 in a scale and you will be able to make all these great German recipes.

conversion tools metric to US

Variety of scales and measuring cups


ONLINE CONVERSION SOURCES – click on links below

Convert your ingredients online

Great online conversion tool

To measure any weights

For any Volume

1 ml 1/5 tsp
5 ml 1 tsp
15 ml 1 tbsp
30 ml 1 fl. oz
100 ml 3.4 fl. oz
240 ml 1 cup
1 L 34 fl. oz
1 L 4.2 cups
1 L 2.1 pints
1 L 1.06 quarts
1 L .26 gallons
1 g .035 oz
100 g 3.5 oz
250 g 8.8 oz
500 g 1.10 lbs
1 kg 2.2 lbs
1 kg 35 oz
50° 10°
80° 27°
90° 32°
100° 38°
212° 100°
250° 120°
275° 140°
300° 150°
325° 160°
350° 180°
375° 190°
400° 200°
425° 220°
450° 230°
475° 240°
500° 260°

Conversion Chart – Weight

flour / powdered sugar

butter / sugar

1/8 cup …… 15 Gramm 1/8 cup …… 30 Gramm
1/4 cup …… 30 Gramm 1/4 cup …… 55 Gramm
1/3 cup …… 40 Gramm 1/3 cup …… 75 Gramm
3/8 cup …… 45 Gramm 3/8 cup …… 85 Gramm
1/2 cup …… 60 Gramm 1/2 cup …… 115 Gramm
2/3 cup …… 75 Gramm 2/3 cup …… 150 Gramm
3/4 cup …… 85 Gramm 3/4 cup …… 170 Gramm
1 cup …… 120 Gramm 1 cup …… 225 Gramm
  • Ounces to Gramm: multiply with 28 – example: 4 ounces x 28 = 112 gr
  • Pounds to Kilogramm: multiply with 0,45 –  example:  2 Pounds x 0.45 = 0,9 Kilo or 900 Gramm.
  • 1 Teaspoon is 5 ml (Milliliter) – not level
  • 1 Tablespoon is 15 ml (Milliliter) liquid
  • 1 Fluid Ounce is 30 Milliliter – example:  15 fl.oz. = 450 Milliliter
  • to convert Cups  to Liter (only for liquids)  multiply with 0.24 –  example:  3 cups water  = 0,72 Liter or 720 Milliliter
  • 1 Pint is 0,47 Liter, 1 Quart 0,95 Liter an 1  Gallone 3,8 Liter
  • 1 Stick Butter is about 113 gramm (check the label, weight  is mostly on the package)
  • 1 package Dr Oetker baking powder: 14 g or 0.5oz
  • 1 package Dr. Oetker Vanilla sugar: 8gr


KEY to Symbols:
HTS=heaping tablespoon    –    LTS=level tablespoon   –    TSP=level teaspoon

Ingredients – Unit of Measure is HTS, LTS, Backpulver (baking powder) in grams 8 5 3
Butter, Margarine in grams 25 15 6
Grieß (semolina) in grams 20 10 5
Mehl (flour) in grams 15 10 3
Salz (salt) in grams 20 10 5
Wasser, Milch (water, milk) in ml – 15 5
Zucker (sugar) in grams 20 10 5
These measurements are only approximate.
For best results use a kitchen scale.

Cups Conversion (Liquids) Metric to US Standard Cups

Note: These are approximate measures that only apply to liquid measure. The tables below do not apply to UK or Australian cups: 1 US cup = 237 ml (milliliters)
1 UK cup = 284 ml, 1 Aus. cup = 250 ml
Metric US Standard Metric US Standard
60 ml 1/4 cup 75 ml 1/3 cup
115 ml 1/2 cup 150 ml 2/3 cup
175 ml 3/4 cup 230 ml 1 cup
Conversion Chart
Metric to English Units
1 g 0.035 oz 10 g 0.35 oz
100 g 3.5 oz 1 l 0.88 qt
500 g 1.1 lbs 1 ml 0.338 oz
1 kg 2.2 lbs 10 ml 3.38 oz
Das Pfund: A metric pound = 500 grams = 1.1 U.S. pounds