Bavarian Dampfnudeln or Yeast Dumplings

bavarian dampfnudeln

Bavarian Dampfnudeln or Yeast dumplings is a traditional Bavarian dish. They are made out of a yeast dough and can contain eggs or not. You would make balls in the size of a fist and then cook them in a closed pot that contains…

Bavarian Dumplings – Semmelknoedel Recipe

bavarian dumplings

The Bavarian Dumplings are always served with a meat dish and gravy, such as Rinderbraten (Roast beef), Goulash, Beef rolls or Rouladen (find all recipes on The Bavarian recipe for dumplings is using rolls that are not fresh, they have to be some…

Allgau Specialty Onion Cake – Zwiebelkuchen

allgau onion cake

The region Allgäu of the South is a popular vacation destination for all seasons. The region is known for their good food specialties and milk products as well. Popular is the Allgäuer Bergkäse” a cheese that is made in the mountains. Today learn how…

Prinzregententorte – Bavarian Layered Chocolate Cake

Learn how to make the Prinzregententorte Bavarian Layered Chocolate Cake, a very traditional cake with quite some history. The cake consists of eight thin layers made out of a biscuit dough and chocolate butter creme all surrounded by a glaze of chocolate. The origin…

Bavarian Leberkaese Burger Snack

german leberkaese burger

Serve the Leberkaese Burger at your Oktoberfest or enjoy it while watching a soccer game. The burger tastes best with a glass of  German beer! Find out how you can make Leberkaese from scratch- Click here – Happy Cooking! Ingredients Leberkaese Burger (4 servings)…

German Roasted Chicken – Bavarian Brathendl

bavarian roasted chicken

There is no Oktoberfest without a German Roasted Chicken, or in Bavarian it is called “Brathendl”. It is a typical meal that you can order on the famous Oktoberfest ground called “Wies’n’.  For sure it tastes delicious for any occasion. The good news is,…

Leberkase Schnitzel – Liver Cheese Schnitzel

leberkase schnitzel

Leberkaese, or in German Leberkäse, means literally translated “liver cheese”, even though in Bavaria it does not contain any liver at all. Leberkaese is a special sausage meat and very popular in the South of Germany, Bavaria, and Austria. Find out today how to…

Obatzter Authentic Bavarian Cheese Specialty

obatzter cheese

Obatzter, an authentic Bavarian Cheese Specialty, or also called Obatzda or Obazda, which means squeeze or mashed, is a popular Bavarian snack that is enjoyed with a glass of beer and a pretzel. It’s the ultimate beer garden food of Bavaria! Every beer garden…