German Pear Dessert – Pear Helene

German pear dessert

Are you looking for a festive dessert? A dessert that will compliment your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner? Try the German pear dessert that is based on the French recipe for Pear Helene. It consists of poached pears combined with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce and whipped cream – how can it get better? Happy Cooking!

Ingredients German Pear Dessert

serves 4
4 ripe pears (fresh or alternatively can)
juice from 1 lemon
3 tsp honey or 100g sugar
1 vanilla bean or 2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cinnamon stick
150 g dark chocolate
vanilla ice cream
whipped cream

Cooking Instructions German Pear Dessert

– Peel pears, cut in half, remove cores.
– In a pan combine lemon juice, 300ml water, sugar or honey, cinnamon stick, vanilla bean or extract and bring to a brief boil.
– Add the pears with cutting surface towards the bottom.
– Let simmer for 12-15 min, depending on size.
– Remove pears from the pan with a slotted spoon, and let cool off.
– Melt chocolate in the double boiler.
– Add 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream on a place, drape the pears around and pour the hot chocolate over the pears and ice cream.
– Serve with some whipped cream.

apple pancakes


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