German Rhubarb Cream Cake – From South Germany

rhubarb cream cake

This German Rhubarb Cream Cake is irresistible! If you can get rhubarb from the local supermarket or farmers market you should bake this cake! You will not regret it. Not one second. It is an authentic recipe from the South of Germany, from the region of Swabia with its capital Stuttgart. Happy Baking!

Ingredients German Rhubarb Cream Cake

For the Dough
60 g butter
60 g sugar
1 egg
180 g flour
1/2 tsp baking powder Dr Oetker
1 dash salt

For the Filling
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp corn starch, organic
200 g sugar
3 tbsp sour cream
1 kg rhubarb
3 tbsp natural yogurt

Baking Instructions

Make the Shortcake Base 
– Place all ingredients on a smooth surface or a wooden baking board: Flour first, make a mold and add remaining ingredients into this mold.
– Knead all ingredients very well by hand until you get a smooth dough.
– Form a ball, wrap in foil, place in fridge for 30 min.

Make the Filling
– Peel rhubarb, cut of hard parts, chop in small pieces. Set aside (you can add sugar if you like, depends on ripeness of rhubarb).
–  Separate eggs.
– Combine eggs with sugar and vanilla extract and beat for at least 2-3 min.
– Add sour cream, yogurt and starch.
– Beat egg whites until very firm, fold into dough with a spatula. Mix carefully.

– Pre-heat oven to 370 F.
– Roll the dough on the surface (baking board) that is sprinkled with flour.
– Grease a spring form of 10 inches thoroughly, and dust with flour.
– Place dough on bottom of the form.
– With a fork poke the dough several times.
– Spread rhubarb filling on top of the dough.

– Bake in pre-heated oven on 370F on middle rack for 1 hour.
– Should the cake get brown place  a layer of baking paper on top.

german rhubarb cream cake

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