Herring Salad with Potatoes – German Fish Specialty

herring salad
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Herring salad with potatoes is a typical herring dish from Germany especially from the North. It is made after New years Eve as a hang over breakfast or served at Ash Wednesday.
Matjes fillets are a Northern German food specialty. For the salad you can use German Bismarck Herring or matjes herring fillets – best without any preservatives!  Happy Cooking!

Ingredients Herring Salad with Potatoes

2-3 Matjes herring or Bismarck herring fillets (pickled) – Find Herring here – 
2 apples (green)
4 pickles (sour pickles, cornichions)
2-3 small onions
500ml heavy cream (or half milk and half yogurt)
oil, vinegar, salt, pepper to taste

decorate with onion rings, tomatoes and/or radishes

Cooking Instructions Herring Salad with Potatoes

– Cut herring in small pieces; peel apples and cut in cubes, pickles in cubes as well.
– Peel onion and slice it.
– In a bowl mix heavy cream with vinegar and sugar ( should be sweet-sour). Then add oil.
– Mix well. Spice with salt and pepper to taste but be careful as the herring contains already salt.
– Add all remaining ingredients, mix well and serve after 2 hours.
– Serve with boiled potatoes.

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