German Hamburger Frikadelle or Bulette

German Hamburger Frikadelle
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Today you will learn how to make the German Hamburger, Frikadelle or Bulette. This German meat dish has different names depending  on the location in Germany. Common names are “Frikadelle” or “Bulette”.  The German Hamburger looks almost like an Hamburger but is thicker and contains aside meat, some bread and egg.
In the North of Germany they call them “Buletten”, in the Bavaria “Fleischpflanzerl” or in Swabia “Fleischkuechle”. The popular side dishes for Buletten are: Potato salad, fried potatoes, French fries,  mashed potatoes.

Enjoy them warm or cold. They make a perfect snack as well. Just place them into a roll (Broetchen), and add some mustard. It’s a delicious snack! You also can use bison meat instead of beef, or a mix of half beef and half pork. Happy Cooking!

Ingredients German Hamburger Frikadelle

(for about 8-10 burgers)
500 g ground beef (or half beef, half pork)
1 egg
1 older German bun (or 1 older slice of wheat bread) -The bread you use for this dish shouldn’t be fresh, 1-2 days old is just fine
1 smaller onion
1 tbsp parsley, 1 tbsp mustard
salt, pepper, some paprika powder to taste
bread crumbs, natural without any seasoning
clarified butter or oil for frying – a mix of butter and olive oil is good as well
Or add instead of the spices 3tbsp of the Edora Frikadellen spice

EDORA Seasoning for Frikadellen. So Good!

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Cooking Instructions German Hamburger Frikadelle

– Place the meat into a bigger bowl.
– Soak the bread or roll in cold water, when soaked squeeze out the water. You also could soak it in warm milk.
– Add soaked bread and egg to the meat.
– Peel onion, chop it into very small pieces, add to meat.
– Spice with salt, pepper and paprika powder to taste or add 3 tbsp Edora seasoning. Add the mustard and chopped parsley.
– Knead the meat with the hands, it’s the best, until all ingredients are very well mixed.

– Form round to oval hamburgers out of the meat (diameter about 6-8cm). The German burgers are not super flat and 50 percent smaller than the American burgers. They also shrink during the frying process a little bit.
– Turn the meat in natural bread crumbs (no spices added).
– In a pan heat the clarified butter or oil.
– Fry the hamburgers on medium heat for 5-10 minutes each side (depends how thick they are).

Serve them warm or with cold potato salad, some like to serve it with French Fries or fried potatoes, and mixed lettuce.

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4 Comments on “German Hamburger Frikadelle or Bulette

  1. Im from Malaysia and currently working on traditional way to eat is it just serve with salad and mustard only?

  2. The way my German mother served them was in a beef broth or brown gravy. We always ate them alongside mashed potatoes and peas or corn.