Beef Tartar or Tartar Steak – Raw Beef Dish

beef tartar

Beef tartare or tartar steak originated in France but has become very popular in Germany. This dish is usually served with onions, capers, pickles,  Worcestershire sauce, and other seasonings. There are two versions on how you can enjoy it if you love to eat…

German Romertopf Beef Roast – Clay Pot Recipe

roemertopf roast beef

A special roast for your Sunday dinner could be the Romertopf Beef roast. It is a roast  that is cooked in a so called “Römertopf”, a special clay pot that is similar to a crock pot or slow cooker but is made 100 percent…

German Beef Broth – Homemade Authentic

german beef broth

The German beef broth is the base for many other soups and recipes.  It is better than the broths in a package or can because it is all natural without any preservatives or additives. Try this broth one time, and you don’t want to…

Authentic German Goulash Recipe with Paprika

german goulash recipe

This is an original German Goulash recipe or paprika beef stew with red pepper and mushrooms (in German Gulasch or Rindsgulasch). It is one of the best goulash variations and I got the recipe from my sister-in-law from Germany. It is an authentic German…

German Hacksteak Hunter Style

hacksteak hunter style

Today we feature the German Hacksteak Hunter style which is a classic German dish.  It is called “Hunter style” because we are using mushrooms for a gravy. Another name  would be “Hackbeefsteak”. So what is it really? It is basically a fake steak and is…

German Ground Beef Stew Dinner Idea

The German Ground beef stew recipe is easy to make within 20 minutes. The main ingredient is minced or ground beef. As side dish we recommend rice or pasta. Tip: Make a double portion and freeze the rest, so you just have to defrost…

German Meatloaf – Classic Recipe

german meatloaf classic

The German meatloaf classic recipe, or any other meatloaf variation, is very popular in Germany. The meat we use for making the meatloaf in Germany is mostly half pork and half beef. Sometimes if you use only lean beef it can get too dry…

German Goulash Beef Stew – Authentic Recipe

german beer goulash

The German Goulash beef stew is actually a traditional dish from Hungary but is became very popular in Germany as well. Many Hungarian recipes came to Germany  when Hungary was under the crown of the Great Austrian/German kingdom.T his is an authentic German recipe….