Hot Raspberries with Vanilla Ice Cream Dessert

hot raspberries with vanilla ice cream

Hot Raspberries with Vanilla Ice Cream Dessert is a classic that is wonderful for all seasons. It can be the highlight of a festive menu or a refreshing dessert in summer. Especially good for Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day. Make someone smile… Happy Cooking!

Ingredients Hot Raspberries with Vanilla Ice Cream

(for 1 serving)
3 scoops vanilla ice cream
120 g raspberries, fresh or frozen
1 TL powdered sugar
1-2 tbsp water
For decoration as needed:
chocolate Streusel, whipped cream, waffles, cocoa, cinnamon

Cooking Instructions

If you use Frozen raspberries, let them defrost a bit before using. Then proceed below.

Fresh raspberries:
– Heat 3/4 of the raspberries in a pot with 1-2 tbsp water. Add sugar, let simmer for 2-3 min
– Press through a fine sieve so all seeds are removed. If you use a stick mixer to puree the berries the seed will remain.
– Heat again, add remaining raspberries.
– Place 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream on a place or glass dish.
– Pour the raspberry sauce over the ice cream.
– Decorate with the items as mentioned above.

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