This German Butter Cake is a perfect cake for baking beginners. In Germany we love simple cakes because they can be made fast. If you get unexpected guests you would be able to make this cake! This original German cake recipe is popular throughout Germany. You can vary the recipe by adding sour cherries, apricots or peaches. Just place them into the dough or on the bottom of the baking tray. Enjoy this cake with a good cup of German coffee – Such as TSCHIBO Family Happy Baking!
some butter for greasing the baking tray
250 g heavy cream – 1 cup
200 g butter – 2 sticks
1 Package baking powder (0.5oz)
4 eggs
1 package Dr Oetker Vanilla sugar (0.32oz)
– How to Make Vanilla Sugar –
4 tbsp milk
250 g sliced almonds – 8.8oz
1 dash salt
400 g flour – 3 1/3 cups
300 g sugar – 1 1/2 cups (if you like the cake sweeter use 500g or 2 1/2 cups; the original recipe is using this amount, we find it a bit too sweet)
Great Baking Mix from Kathi – Click here –
– Preheat oven to 350 F.
– Grease a deeper baking tray, dust with flour. Alternatively use a high side sheet cake pan (see below) and layer it with parchment paper (no greasing).
– Mix heavy cream with half of the sugar and salt, mix very well by using a hand mixer.
– Add eggs, sieved flour, 75 g very soft butter, 1 vanilla sugar and baking powder, mix well.
– Spread the dough on the greased baking tray, or layer it with parchment paper, and bake for about 12-15 min.
– Melt remaining butter, add remaining sugar, milk and almonds, mix well.
– Spread this mix on the cake and bake for another 20-30 min until the almonds show a golden color.
Contains Red Cabbage, Sauerkraut, Spatzle and more…
Pastries are very popular in Germany and you can find them in almost any German bakery. The German pudding pastry is made from a yeast dough and is filled with vanilla pudding and topped with a sugar glaze, which is optional. The recipe is quite simple, enjoy and Happy Baking!
550 g Mehl
40 g yeast or dry yeast for the amount of flour
220 ml milk
100 g sugar
100 g butter
1 egg
1/2 tsp salt
500 ml milk
1 tbsp sugar or to taste
1 package vanilla pudding – Find it here –
100 g sour cream or Crème fraîche
– Combine yeast with 1 tsp and 1 tbsp water, mix well until yeast has dissolved.
– Place flour into a bowl or on a wooden baking board, add all other ingredients and the yeast starter. Knead with a mixer or with hands until you get a smooth dough.
– Cover with a clean kitchen cloth and let rise for 20 – 30 min. Dough volume should double.
– Make the pudding per instructions.
– Let cool off, stir frequently while it’s cooling off, then add the sour cream or creme fraiche. Mix with a spatula.
– On a flour sprinkled surface roll the dough to a rectangle, it should be 1cm thick (half an inch).
– Place the pudding cream onto the dough.
– If you like you can add additionally chopped apples, raisins soaked in rum or apple juice, chopped walnuts, chocolate chips, marzipan pieces, blue berries etc., on top.
– Roll the dough starting from the longer side.
– Cut into 2 cm thick slices (1 inch).
– Layer a baking tray with parchment paper.
– Place the slices on a baking tray, let them rise for another 20-30 min.
– Preheat oven to 200 c or 390 F.
– Bake the pastries for 15-20 min until they show a golden brownish color.
– Let cool off and dust them with powdered sugar or with a sugar glaze.
120 g powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
2 tbsp milk
If you like to add this glaze the pastries have to be still warm.
Mix all ingredients and brush the glaze evenly over the pastries.
Wait until the glaze is solid, then enjoy them with a cup of coffee or tea!
Pasteurized milk about 1 cup
1-2 lemon
coffee filter and paper filter
Small bowl and a glass
Lemon juicer and a spoon
– Squeeze lemons (you need for a bowl of quark the juice of 1-2 lemons)
– Pour squeezed lemon juice into the milk.
The first part (of 2 parts) of making quark is done. The acid of the lemon will cause the milk to clot.
Pour milk into the filter which is laid out with a paper filter
You will see the clotting process when you stir the milk and it will become thicker.
– Place the paper coffee filter into the filter and put it on a glass or jar.
– Pour the whole lemon-milk into the filter.
Now the second part of quark making has begun that is separating the solid from the liquid substances.
– Within some minutes you will see in the glass a clear liquid (whey) which you will not use for anything else. You can throw it away.
Quark stays in the filter, whey runs through it into the glass
– After 10-15 minutes remove the quark (which is in the filter) with a spoon or just turn the filter upside down over a bowl.
Should the quark taste too much like a lemon, repeat the filtering process by pouring some water into the quark. The quark remains in the filter but the lemon juice will be in the water.
Now chop fresh chive and mix it with the quark; tastes great on pumpernickel, fresh bread or whole rye bread. Or add some fruit and jam, for a sweet taste.
It is not that difficult.
Mix some heavy cream into the quark, this makes it creamy.
Mix it with parsley, garlic, onions, cress, salt, pepper, curry or your favorite spice.
Garlic and grated fresh cucumber makes a great Greek quark named “Tzatziki”.
The “Nusszopf” or German sweet bread with a hazelnut filling is a classic German cake or pastry. It is made out of a yeast dough and filled with almonds or hazelnuts, and it is braided. This is an authentic and proven German recipe. To make this German sweet bread you need to have some baking experience. It’s a great addition for the Sunday brunch or for the traditional coffee and cake table Sunday afternoons. Happy Baking!
500g flour
30g yeast (fresh) or 1 package dry yeast
1/4l lukewarm milk
80g butter
50g sugar
1 dash salt
zest of ½ organic lemon
200g marzipan, raw
2 egg white
2 tbsp sugar
150g ground almonds or hazelnuts (or half/half)
2 cl rum
4 tbsp powdered sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp water
– Sieve flour in a bowl, form a mold in the middle, add or crumble yeast and mix with some milk and some flour.
– Let this starter or “pre-dough” raise for 15 minutes (covered with a clean kitchen cloth).
– Melt butter and mix it with sugar, salt, lemon peel, entire flour and starter dough.
Make the Filling
– Mix marzipan with egg whites, sugar, almonds and rum.
– Roll dough to dimensions 50×40 cm or 20 inches x 16 inches and spread filling on top.
– Roll it lengthwise and cut in half, then turn it into a braided bread (Zopf).
– Place it on a baking tray layered with parchment paper, and let it raise for 15 minutes.
– Pre-heat oven to 200 C or 350 F and bake it for 35 minutes on the lowest level.
Make the Glaze
Mix powdered sugar with lemon juice and water. Spread it over the hot braided bread.
This is a delicious German cabbage soup especially for the cold months. Cabbage is a popular fall/winter vegetable in Germany and can be used for many German recipes such as the German cabbage soup with croutons. Why is it known to be a winter vegetable. Back then during the cold winter months cabbage was used because of its high Vitamin C content, it can be preserved easily such as making Sauerkraut – How to make Sauerkraut – Happy Cooking!
1kg white cabbage
60 g butter
80 g bacon cubes (German Speck cubes, or Pancetta)
1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp caraway seeds
200 ml dry white wine
1 liter vegetable broth (instant or home made)
– How to make Vegetable Broth –
200 ml heavy cream
2-3 potatoes, medium size
salt, pepper to taste
4 slices farmers bread or baguette bread
5 tbsp chopped chives
– Cut cabbage in quarters, remove hard parts and cut it in 1 inch wide stripes.
– Heat butter, add speck, sugar and caraway seeds with cabbage and saute it until transparent.
– Fill up with wine, broth and heavy cream, spice with salt and pepper.
– Peel potatoes and grate them, mix into soup, cover with a lid and let it simmer for 25 minutes.
– Cut bread into small cubes and fry it in a skillet in 1 tsp of butter until golden colored.
– Cut chives in small pieces and when soup is done sprinkle over soup on top of croutons.
The Topkiss Burger or Mohrenkopf Brötchen in German was and still is the ultimate snack for every German child. Everyone who grew up in Germany or has lived there for a while knows this snack. This German recipe – it is actually not a “real” recipe – nevertheless it brings back sweet memories of the childhood.
Back then there was this little grocery store on my way to school, and every day we stopped to get a roll that had a Mohrenkopf (chocolate marshmallow or Topkiss) in the middle. That was our snack for school. Everyone loved it.
Mohrenkopf or Topkiss is a sweetened cream on a soft waffle base and coated with a thin layer of chocolate. A little bit similar to marshmallows but much softer.
– Get or bake your buns (see recipe for home made buns below) and cut them in half.
– Spread butter on one half (optional)
– Place a topkiss on the buttered half and cover it with the other half of the bun.
– Find Topkuss here on Amazon –
– Then with both hands squeeze the two bun halves together so the topkiss gets smashed.
See the recipe of How to make German bread or rolls
Fall and winter is the time for German baked apples – we call them Bratäpfel. Make sure to use big enough apples and serve them with your favorite items: whipped cream, vanilla ice cream or vanilla sauce. Or maybe all three together! Happy Cooking!
2 big apples
2 tbsp chopped almonds
some lemon juice
2 tbsp raisins
1 tbsp powdered sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
100 g soft butter
– Pre-heat oven to 420 F.
– Soak raisins in rum or apple juice until they have softened.
– Cut of lid.
– Remove the core from the apples.
– Drip lemon juice into the apple.
– Drain raisins (if soaked in rum you can add it to the filling).
– Combine very soft butter with almonds and raisins, add a bit of lemon juice, cinnamon and powdered sugar to taste.
– Fill it into each apple.
– Place each apple into a single fire proof form (ramequin form) or if you have more than 2 use a rectangle form.
– Place in oven and bake for 40 min. Cover with aluminum foil after 20 min.
– Melt some butter which you can drip over the apples.
Serve right away.
The baked apples taste wonderful with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream or vanilla sauce – Go to the Recipe