German Turkey Stew Hunter Style

german turkey stew hunter style
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The Turkey Stew Hunter Style, in German “Putengeschnetzeltes Jäger Art” (yes, a very difficult word to say), makes a delicious meal. It is served with Spätzle or if you like with the wide ribbon pasta.
A very famous and similar stew is the Zurich Geschnetzeltes which is using sliced veal strips, white wine, and heavy cream.
Whatever ingredients you use for the ragout, everyone will enjoy it. You can vary it like no other dish. Use veal or pork, chicken or beef, add vegetable or tomato paste or use curry or heavy cream. Happy Cooking!

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  • Chicken or Veal instead of turkey
  • Creme fraiche instead of cream
  • Italian herbs – Italian style
  • French herbs from the Provence – French  style
  • Cumin, kurkuma or soy sauce – Asian style
  • Banana or pine apple – Exotic style
  • Go meatless and use broccoli, pepper, carrots, leek or zucchini only – Vegetarian style.

Ingredients Turkey Stew Hunter Style

(serves 4)
4 turkey breasts
2 onions
300 g mushrooms
3 tbsp oil
1 tbsp flour
2 tsp instant vegetable broth
200 ml heavy cream
1 tsp thyme, ground (dry) – or 2 fresh sprigs
lemon juice of 1 lemon
salt, pepper to taste

Cooking Instructions Turkey Stew

– Wash meat and pat dry, then cut in small pieces. Spice with salt, pepper and curry.
– Mix very well – Tip: place meat into a plastic bag, spice it then close bag and shake it well.
– Peel onions, wash and prepare mushrooms, slice them, chop onions.
– Heat oil in a skillet, saute onions and meat briefly; add wine and about 10 tbsp of water; mix in instant broth.
– Add mushrooms, heavy cream, thyme and lemon juice. Spice if necessary to taste.
– Let simmer until mushrooms are soft.

Serve with Spätzle or ribbon pasta – HOW TO MAKE SPÄTZLE –


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