German Rotweinbraten – Braised Beef in Red Wine

German Rotweinbraten or Braised Beef in Red Wine is a German dish that is wonderful for the festive/holiday menu. The beef will be marinated for almost one day in a red wine marinade that makes the meat tender, and adds a subtle red wine taste to it. Serve it with your favorite side dish. The best combined with German Spaetzle (speciel pasta) and red cabbage. Happy Cooking!

german rotweinbraten

Ingredients German Rotweinbraten

750 ml red wine like Merlot
3 of each: bay leaves, cloves, star anise
1 tsp black peppercorns
1 kg beef roast (shoulder)
salt and pepper
2 tbsp oil
3 big carrots
2 leek
3 parsley roots
2 tbsp clarified butter

Cooking Instructions German Rotweinbraten

– In a pan bring red wine with spices to a boil, let cool off until it is semi-warm.
– Place beef in a ceramic bowl and cover it with the red wine.
– Marinate it for 23 hours in the fridge (covered).

– Remove from the fridge 1 hour before you cook it.
– Pre-heat oven to 80 C or 200 F and place a fire proof form in the oven.
– Remove beef from marinade, pat it dry, season with salt and pepper to taste.
– In a large pan brown it in hot oil evenly on all sides for about 7-8 minutes.
– Remove form from oven.
– Put meat into the form, and place in the oven.
– Cook it for 3.5 hours.

– When done set meat aside and keep warm, cover it with foil, in oven on a very low temperature.
– Drain the liquid and make the stock.

German Maggi Hunter Schnitzel Sauce
– Just add Mushrooms! –
Get it Now.

hunter schnitzel gravy

Make the Sauce (Gravy)
– Mix some potato starch with some cold water (never use hot water because it will clump). The amount of potato starch depends on how much stock you have. Start with a little amount, brin g to  a boil, if it has not thickened add some more.
– Add it to the stock. Alternatively you add 2 tbsp tomato paste. The gravy should not be liquid.
– Bring to a boil, reduce heat.
– 15 Min. before the beef is done, wash vegetable, peel it and cut it Julienne style (long, small stripes).
– Saute vegetable in hot clarified butter or just butter for about 2 minutes; spice with salt and peppe to taste.
– Place the vegetable on a plate and place the beef on top.
– Cut beef in slices and serve with the sauce.

Side Dishes
Bread or Potato Dumplings, mashed potatoes or Spaetzle, Brussels Sprouts or red cabbage.

Additional Recipes for Red Cabbage and Spätzle

german red cabbage german spatzle

 Find the Red Cabbage Recipe here
Find the Spaetzle recipe here

Contains German Rolls                                  Contains German Spätzle

german breakfast box        german delicatessen box

 photo credit

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