Posted on October 20, 2023 by admin
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It is time for great Halloween recipes like the Bloody hands recipe. It is an original German recipe but it is easy to make. You find all ingredients for the German Halloween recipes on, Amazon or in your local super market. This is for sure a scary dessert!
The hands are made out of Dr. Oetker Vanilla pudding and the blood is made out of raspberries with cherry juice. Happy Cooking and Happy Halloween!
Ingredients Halloween Recipes Bloody Hands
2 packages of Vanilla pudding Dr. Oetker – How to Make Vanilla Pudding –
1 liter milk
sugar as per instructions or to taste
For the Sauce:
250 g frozen raspberries, 2 tbsp sugar, 100ml cherry juice

Cooking Instructions
– Make the pudding per instructions but don’t use too much milk, the pudding should be very firm, so use less.
– Fill pudding in 2 rubber gloves (without a powdery layer inside!). The best is to get some help of someone else. One person holds the glove, the other one pours the pudding into the glove. If you don’t have a helper, place the glove into a cup and pour the pudding in several steps and not at once.
– Close the gloves with paper clips, and keep them in the fridge for some hours so it will get firm.
– Put raspberries into a pan and bring them with sugar and juice to a boil; puree or mash them with a stick mixer, then let cool off. Place in the fridge for 3-4 hours.
– When the hands are completely firm hold them briefly in hot water so you can remove the plastic gloves.
– Decorate the hands on a plate and pour the raspberry sauce over them. Cut off some finger to make it look really dramatic.
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Category: Bloody Hands, German Recipes, Halloween Recipes Tags: beverages, bizarre recipe, bloody, food, german, halloween, halloween dessert, halloween recipe, hands, party, pudding