Halloween sausage mummies will make your Halloween party guests smile. Serve them warm or cold with German mustard. In Germany Halloween has become quite fashionable and everyone likes to celebrate with Halloween food and costumes. Happy Cooking!
(makes 10 sausages)
500 g flour
yeast dry, 1 package or as directed for the amount of flour (500 g mostly = 1 package)
1 dash sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
300 ml water
10 sausages (wiener sausages, hot dogs)
German mustard – How to make German mustard at home –
– Place flour into a bowl and make a mold.
– Mix yeast with some water and the sugar and add it into the mold. With the finger stir it and add a bit of flour from the edges to the yeast.
– Add salt, olive oil and remaining water and generate a dough by mixing everything until you have a soft but not sticky dough; add as needed more water. Knead it on a slightly floured baking board
– Let it raise at a warm place covered with a moist cloth for 30 minutes. Dough must increase volume visibly.
– Layer a baking tray with parchment paper, preheat oven to 200 C or 375 F.
– When dough has doubled knead it again briefly, part it and place one part in a covered bowl. The other part roll thin on a floured surface.
– with a pizza cuter cut thin stripes which you will wrap around carefully around the sausages. Start at the top then downwards. Leave some space for the “face”.
– Bake for 10-15 minutes until it has a light brown color (should not get too brown, should be more lighter than darker).
– Place on a grid to let cool off, then use the remaining dough the same way.
– with a tooth pick poke some eyes where the face supposed to be.
Enjoy warm or cold with mustard.