Mushroom Morel Stew

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This mushroom moral stew is a special dish that is inspired by the French cuisine. In French it would be called “Ragout”. It is perfect for an appetizer, followed by a main course. This is an original German recipe.
Morel mushrooms are not very common, and not only because they are more expensive, they only grow wild in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest from May to July. No other mushroom has this intense earthy flavor and smoky-woodsy aroma like the morel mushroom. You can buy them on Amazon or find them in your local super market in fall.
Dried Morels take on a smoky flavor and imparts richness to any dish. Another great dish where they can be used is beef Stroganoff. Important is to rehydrate the mushrooms by soaking them in hot water for 30 minutes, drain and squeeze out excess water. Happy Cooking!

mushroom morel stew

Ingredients Mushroom Morel Stew

(serves 2)
100 g dried morels
1/8 liter vegetable broth (instant)
250 g white mushrooms
2 small onions
30 g butter
100 g creme fraiche
salt, fresh pepper
1 tbsp chopped chives

Cooking Instructions Mushroom Morel Stew
– Rinse the morels in a sieve; bring broth to a boil; pour it over the morels and let them soak in the broth for 30 min (check instructions on the package).
– Wash and clean the white mushrooms (don’t cut them), they are used as whole, remove the stem.
– Chop onions into fine cubes; saute them in the butter until transparent.
– Add mushrooms, saute them until all liquid is evaporated; add morels with the broth; let it simmer covered for 10 minutes.
– Add creme fraiche and without the lid, let it simmer until a creamy sauce has developed (about 5 minutes).
– Add salt and pepper to taste.
– Cut chives in fine slices and sprinkle over the stew. Serve with thinly sliced French baguette bread.


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