Semolina Cake – Authentic German Recipe

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The semolina cake is a delicious German coffee cake for any occasion. It is easy to make and does not need any baking experience. Add different fruit to vary the recipe, such as raspberries, strawberries or blueberries. Happy Baking!semolina cake

Ingredients Semolina Cake

2 tbs soft butter
2 tbsp fine dry white bread crumbs (best bread crumbs are made out of dry baguette bread; let it dry and grate it)
6 egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp finely lemon zest (use organic lemons, grate the skin fine)
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 cup semolina (not the quick cooking type)
1/2 cup blanched almonds, or ground almonds
6 egg whites
Apricot or raspberry jam
Rum glaze

Baking Instructions Semolina Cake

– Take an 8 inch spring form and spread the soft butter on it.
– Pour in the bread crumbs and tip the pan from side to side to spread them evenly as possible.
– Invert the pan and remove carefully any excess of bread crumbs.
– Preheat oven to 350 F degrees.

Make the Batter

– Using a hand mixer beat the egg yolks, sugar, lemon peel and lemon juice at high speed for about 5 minutes, or until the dough is thick and lemon colored.
– Add the semolina, beat on medium speed for another 10 minutes or until batter is thick enough to fall back like a ribbon when the beater will be lifted up (if you don’t use a hand mixer you need to whisk the batter for at least 20 minutes).
– Add the almond flour.
– In a separate bowl beat the egg white until it is firm (until it forms firm peaks on the beater when lifted up).
– By using a baking spatula, mix in the egg white very carefully into the batter (don’t stir it in, it is done with an under-and-over cutting motion).
– Pour the batter into the form, spread it evenly and bake it in the middle of the oven for 45 minutes until the top is slightly brown. Do the test with a pointed knife or fork. Poke into the cake, and if no batter sticks on the knife the cake is done.
– Let the cake cool off for some minutes before you place it onto a baking rack so it can cool off completely.

Make the Rum Glaze

2 1/4 cups powdered sugar
1 egg white
2 tbsp rum or rum flavor
1 tbsp lemon juice

– Mix sugar, egg white, rum and lemon juice, and beat it until you get a smooth cream (thick as heavy cream).
If it is too thin mix in some more powdered sugar.

Back to the cake
– With a long sharp knife cut the cake into 2 layers (horizontal), place the bottom layer on a serving plate and spread generously apricot or raspberry jam on it.
– Gently set the second layer on it and coat it with the rum glaze.
– You can fill the cake with different fruit too.


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