German Sweet Plum Dessert

The German sweet plum dessert is not an average dessert from the German cuisine. When I found this recipe I thought, this is a great alternative for ice cream or pudding. The recipe is using dried plums (prunes) You can also make this German dish for a sweet supper. Some health experts say, that a healthy nutrition would only allow a light sweet dish for dinner because such dishes are the easiest to digest. Makes sense. Meat is using the most energy in the body for digestion. Nevertheless, this dessert is irresistible. Happy Cooking!


Ingredients German Sweet Plum Dessert

100g dried prunes, no pits, no sulfite
1 small cinnamon stick
1 tbsp sugar
1 ml (0.3oz) cognac or brandy (optional)
1 tsp butter, unsalted
1 tbsp bread crumbs, natural
1 tbsp flour
20 g chopped almonds
1 egg yolk, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp vanilla sugar – How to make Vanilla Sugar –
2 egg whites
1 tbsp powdered sugar

Cooking Instructions German Sweet Plum Dessert

– Soak plums in water for some minutes.
– Heat plums, sugar and cinnamon in the same water (of soaked plums) and let simmer for about 10 min.
– Drain plums, let cool off. Keep the juice.
– Add brandy to plums (if you use it).
– Grease a fire proof form with butter and sprinkle with bread crumbs.
– Place plums into form with chopped almonds.
– Beat egg yolk with lemon juice and vanilla sugar until bubbly.
– Pre-heat oven to 350 F.
– Add flour and plum juice.
– Beat egg white until firm.
– Add firm egg white to the egg yolk cream.
– Bake for 20 min on 175 C or 350 F.

Before serving dust with powdered sugar.

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