Paprika Chicken – Authentic German Chicken Recipe

paprika chicken

German Dinner Idea:  Paprika Chicken – this is an authentic German recipe if you like chicken. The recipe is using creme fraiche but it can be substituted with heavy cream. As for using the Paprika seasoning, choose the Hungarian spice or the seasoning mix…

Chicken Malakow – Special German Chicken Egg Recipe

Chicken Malakow is an interesting recipe. I was searching online to find some background material for this recipe as the name does not really sound German (Malakoff). It sounds Russion but see below where it really comes from. So after some time I found…

German Chicken Ragout Stew

Learn today what is a ragout and start with the German Chicken Ragout! Ragout is a term for a main-dish stew and has nothing to do with “Ragu” which is Italian and is a sauce such as Bolognese, served with spaghetti. For a ragout…