Arme Ritter Original Recipe – French Toast German Style

arme ritter french toast german style
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Today’s recipe is called Arme Ritter (French Toast in English), and it is a traditional dish that can be traced back to the Romans. The antique cooking book De re coquinaria describes this dish following: 
„Zerbrich abgeriebene Siligenen (= Winterweizengebäcke), mache größere Häppchen, tauche sie in Milch, röste sie in Öl, übergieße sie mit Honig und serviere sie.“

The oldest Arme Ritter original German recipe was found in the 14th century in the book “guter spyse” (good food) that is quoted in the German dictionary of the Grimm brothers with: „snit denne aht snitten arme ritter und backe die in smalze niht zu trüge.“
In a German cook book from 1691 the German French Toast is called “Gueldene Schnitten” (golden slices) .

The dish has many names:
In England it is called Poor Knights of Windsor, in the USA French Toast, in France Pain Perdu, and in  Spain Torrijas. Arme Ritter is great for  the brunch, breakfast or as a sweet dish only. You can use this base recipe and create  French toast Casserole – Find the Recipe here – Happy Cooking!


Ingredients Arme Ritter Original Recipe

(serves 4)
4 slices toast, wheat
1 egg
¼ liter milk
2-3 tbsp butter
mix of cinnamon and powdered sugar

Cooking Instructions Arme Ritter Original Recipe

– Mix the egg with milk.
– Soak the bread slices in the egg-milk mix.
– Heat butter in a skillet.
– Fry the bread slices in butter, and when they show a golden brownish color on both sides they are done.
– Serve hot and sprinkle with the cinnamon-sugar mix.

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One Comment on “Arme Ritter Original Recipe – French Toast German Style

  1. The Armer Ritter I know when I was growing up was old Bread dunked in water, fried real crisp,and we put sugar on top.The word stand for poor Knight. And I am 72