Beef Pepper Casserole – Authentic German Recipe

beef pepper casserole
Ingredients Beef Pepper Casserole

(serves 4)
3 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 onion
2 tbsp oil
750 g ground beef or half pork
salt, pepper, paprika, mild to taste
2 tbsp flour
1 tbsp butter
1/4 liter vegetable broth, instant
200 g spreadable cheese eg from Laughing cow or cream cheese
120 g grated cheese

Cooking Instructions Beef Pepper Casserole

– Cut pepper in quarters, remove seeds. Cut green pepper in small cubes.
– Pre-heat oven to 480 F. Flatten the red pepper  on a baking tray. Broil pepper on highest level in the oven until the skin turns dark and gets bubbly.
– Remove them from oven and place a moist kitchen cloth over the pepper.
– When pepper has cooled off peel it and cut smaller pieces if you like (if the quarters are too big).
– Chop onions fine and fry in oil until transparent. Add ground beef and brown it.
– Spice with salt, pepper and paprika to taste.
– Add green pepper and mix well.

Make the Cheese Sauce
– In a pan melt butter, add flour, stir until it is all mixed well, add broth. Let cook for 5 min on lower heat.
– Add spreadable cheese and half of the grated cheese, spice with salt and pepper.
– Grease a fire proof form. Place red pepper alternating with beef mix and cheese sauce into form.
– Sprinkle with remaining grated cheese.
– Bake in pre-heated oven on 390 F on medium level for 30-35 min.

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