German Pudding Rolls – Puddingschnecken

german pudding pastry

Pastries are very popular in Germany and you can find them in almost any German bakery. The German pudding pastry is made from a yeast dough and is filled with vanilla pudding and topped with a sugar glaze, which is optional. The recipe is quite simple, enjoy and Happy Baking!

Ingredients German Pudding Rolls

550 g Mehl
40 g yeast or dry yeast for the amount of flour
220 ml milk
100 g  sugar
100 g butter
1 egg
1/2 tsp salt

500 ml milk
1 tbsp sugar or to taste
1 package vanilla pudding – Find it here –
100 g sour cream or Crème fraîche

Baking Instructions German Pudding Rolls

– Combine yeast with 1 tsp and 1 tbsp water, mix well until yeast has dissolved.
– Place flour into a bowl or on a wooden baking board, add all other ingredients and the yeast starter. Knead with a mixer or with hands until you get a smooth dough.
– Cover with a clean kitchen cloth and let rise for 20 – 30 min. Dough volume should double.
– Make the pudding per instructions.
– Let cool off, stir frequently while it’s cooling off, then add the sour cream or creme fraiche. Mix with a spatula.

– On a flour sprinkled surface roll the dough to a rectangle, it should be 1cm thick (half an inch).
– Place the pudding cream onto the dough.
– If you like you can add additionally chopped apples, raisins soaked in rum or apple juice, chopped walnuts, chocolate chips, marzipan pieces, blue berries etc., on top.

– Roll the dough starting from the longer side.
– Cut into 2 cm thick slices (1 inch).
– Layer a baking tray with parchment paper.
– Place the slices on a baking tray, let them rise for another 20-30 min.
– Preheat oven to 200 c or 390 F.
– Bake the pastries for 15-20 min until they show a golden brownish color.
– Let cool off and dust them with powdered sugar or with a sugar glaze.

Make the Sugar Glaze

120 g powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
2 tbsp milk

If you like to add this glaze the pastries have to be still warm.
Mix all ingredients and brush the glaze evenly over the pastries.
Wait until the glaze is solid, then enjoy them with a cup of coffee or tea!

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