How to Make German Quark Cheese

home made quark

It’s all about Quark in this article! Find out today “How to Make German Quark Cheese!”

Quark is so popular in Germany that it accounts for almost half of that country’s total cheese production. The word quark means “curds” and it is a cow’s milk cheese, almost identical to Fromage Blanc, but is whipped before packaging and has a slightly higher fat content.

Quark can be enjoyed like yogurt, blended with fruit or jam. It is also a common ingredient used in filled pastries, savory and sweet sauces, spreads, souffles and cheesecakes. It is the best snack and tastes delicious.

We found also some good quark/yogurt maker machines online that are very convenient. We love these quark or yogurt making machines. You fill in the milk or for quark buttermilk and in some hours the quark or yogurt is done.

Your utensils need to be very clean; unwanted bacteria can mess up the process. You can  sterilize all utensils with boiling water before starting with the preparation.

How To Make German Quark Cheese

1. In a glass or ceramic bowl mix 50ml buttermilk (high fat) and 1 l milk; don’t use fat-free milk. The best is 2% and more, and preferably organic milk. Stir with a wooden spoon. Cover it with a clean kitchen towel and let it stand at room temperature (20 C) for 24 hours. Do not move the bowl. The milk will become thick.

2. Next day pre-heat the oven to 50 C, turn it off and place the bowl uncovered on the middle of the oven; let it there for 45 minutes with closed door. The milk becomes similar to yogurt.

Now the whey splits from the quark. Don’t’ be surprised of the color, the whey is yellowish-green in color.

3. Line colander with a cheesecloth or kitchen cloth and place it over a big bowl. Pour clotted milk into the cheesecloth; pull the edges of the cheesecloth over the top, tie it.
Let sit for 1.5 hours at a cool place or as long it takes to get all of the liquid out.
The quark will be in the kitchen cloth.
Put the quark into a bowl – it is done. Keep in the fridge.

This quark is similar to the one you can buy in the German supermarkets containing 40% fat. A good milk with less fat is not the one with 0%. Low fat quark would have some fat such as 2 or 5 %.


Use a Yoghurt Maker for Making Quark

You need:
4 cups whole milk
1/4 cup butter milk

– Combine milk and butter milk and pour it into the machine. Let sit for 13 hours.
– After 13 hours you will see the separation of whey, clear liquid and the creamy part.
– Pour the content into a fine mesh strainer that is kept over a bowl. Place plastic wrap over the top and place in fridge.
– Let it strain for 12 hours. If you see lots of whey on the bottom of the bowl you can pour that off.
– Remove the whey that was collected in the bowl.
– If you see creamy part in the whey strain for more hours.
– Remove the quark from the sieve and refrigerate. Use the quark within 1 week.
– If everything works out fine you will get about 350g quark from this process.

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One Comment on “How to Make German Quark Cheese

  1. I don’t have the instructions; please get in contact with the company that makes the machine.