How to Make Krokant for Baking – Crunchy Sweet Crumbles

how to make krokant

If you want to make the Frankfurter Kranz Cake you need to know how to make Krokant because it is not available in the USA in the regular supermarkets. In English it would be called Brittle or Crunchy sweet Crumbles. You may find it…

German Griebenschmalz Recipe – Lard Bread Spread

German Griebenschmalz Recipe

Are you looking for the famous lard bread spread that originates from Germany? Here is an original German Griebenschmalz Recipe, the popular lard bread spread. Griebenschmalz is made out of Flomen (leaf lard) and Pork Speck (belly fat). This is an original and authentic…

How to make Vanilla Pudding – German Custard Dessert

German vanilla pudding

Find out today how to make vanilla pudding or custard – In Germany we use vanilla pudding a lot in the making of cakes and pastries or just as a dessert. Dr. Oetker produces a pudding powder that is convenient but they flavor it…

How to Make Vanilla Sauce

how to make vanilla sauce

It is important to know how to make Vanilla Sauce because it is used for many German dishes and is not really available in the US Supermarkets. It is not custard or pudding. It is a sweet sauce which is using the pulp of…

How to Make German Quark Cheese

home made quark

It’s all about Quark in this article! Find out today “How to Make German Quark Cheese!” WHAT IS QUARK? Quark is so popular in Germany that it accounts for almost half of that country’s total cheese production. The word quark means “curds” and it…

How to make Authentic Apple Strudel

authentic apple strudel

Have you ever asked yourself how to make authentic apple strudel? Maybe you had the “Apfelstrudel” when you were in Germany or Austria, or you were lucky and got a home made piece of this delicious cake that is actually of Hungarian origin.. This…

German Quark Alternatives – Substitute Quark

german quark alternatives

You probably have asked yourself what could I use instead of quark? Many of the German recipes, especially cakes, pastries and desserts are using quark as a main ingredient. And it’s this ingredient that adds that special taste to the dish. Quark is very…

How to make Bounty – Popular Coconut Chocolate Bar

how to make bounty

You might know this popular chocolate coconut bar that is called “Bounty”. In the USA you can get the bar online or in special stores, it’s not a mainstream bar such as the ones from Hershey’s. But for sure it tastes much better than…