How to make Authentic Apple Strudel

authentic apple strudel
german gift boxes

Have you ever asked yourself how to make authentic apple strudel? Maybe you had the “Apfelstrudel” when you were in Germany or Austria, or you were lucky and got a home made piece of this delicious cake that is actually of Hungarian origin..
This following German recipe for apple strudel is authentic as it is from the Emperor’s time, back in Austria. It’s been said that the German apple strudel dough must be so thin that it is possible to see a love letter shining through on the other side. So it needs some experience to make such a thin dough. If you find an apple strudel made out of flaky filo dough you know that this is not the original recipe. This strudel can also be filled with cherries or in Austria they make a “Rahmstrudel” – filled with sweet or sour cream and milk, or a “Topfenstrudel” filled with curd cheese (quark).
Serve the apple strudel with vanilla sauce, vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Happy Baking!

Ingredients Authentic Apple Strudel

For the Dough:
250g flour
1 dash salt
1 egg
20g butter
some warm water

For the Filling:
1,5 kg apples
80 g bread crumbs (natural, no spices)
125 g sugar
65 g raisins
65 g chopped or ground almonds
1 package vanilla sugar Dr Oetker 0.3oz – How to make Vanilla Sugar Recipe –
cinnamon to taste
40 g butter
1 tbsp organic lemon zest
1/8 l heavy cream
baking board or a smooth and firm surface to prepare and make the dough

german apple strudel

Baking Instructions Apple Strudel

– On a smooth surface or baking board add  the flour, make a small mold in the middle, add the egg, butter and salt and as much water you need, to make an elastic and smooth dough which later on will be kneaded.
Knead it until it is smooth (about 5 -10 minutes). Cover it with a kitchen cloth and let it rest for 20 minutes.

authentic apple strudel

Prepare the filling:
– Peel apples, remove the core and cut it in fine slices or little pieces.
– Scald raisins and mix apples with breadcrumbs, sugar, vanilla sugar, almonds, cinnamon and raisins.
– Put enough flour on the baking board or on a big kitchen cloth, roll the dough and carefully stretch it to all sides until the dough is regularly smooth.
The original recipe says that the dough should be kneaded by repeatedly lifting it up 2 feet and throwing it against the table, continuing this for about 10 minutes.
Whatever form you choose, the dough must be smooth and elastic and thin, very thin indeed. It should be so thin that you can read a letter on the other side. Cut off thick ends with scissors.

– With a baking brush apply the cream on the dough and spread the filling all over the dough.
– Roll it; tuck in the ends.
– Grease a baking tray (or use parchment paper) and put the strudel on it. If the strudel is too long place it in a U-shape on the tray.
– Bake it for 60-70 minutes on 210-220 degrees C or 400 F.
– While it is baking brush melted butter over the strudel.
Enjoy it with whipped cream, vanilla sauce or vanilla ice cream, and a cup of coffee. It’s delicious when warm.


Use a kitchen cloth when rolling the dough.
Place the strudel into a fire proof pan instead of a baking tray; sometimes the thin layer cracks and apple juice is dripping. Or use a high side baking pan.
The less grease the dough has, the more thinner it can be made.
Wrap the strudel in aluminum foil, but not completely, have surface strudel

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