Potato Salad Westphalia Style

potato salad westphalia style
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Find out today how to make the Potato Salad Westphalia Style. It’s one of these potato salads that are so good as a side dish for sausages, Schnitzel or “Fischstäbchen” (fried fish sticks). This salad is so easy to make, just make sure yo use German mustard and pickles – this makes the difference! The original recipe doesn’t use vinegar and oil, yes, that’s right. If you like you can add some tablespoons, it wouldn’t hurt. Happy Cooking!

Ingredients Potato Salad Westphalia Style

(serves 4)
1 kg potatoes
5-6 tbsp mayonnaise
150 g yoghurt, natural
2 tbsp sunflower oil and vinegar
3 tbsp (German) mustard
2 medium pickles, pref. German
4 hard boiled eggs
1 medium onion
salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste
Optional: 1 splash heavy cream (makes it creamy) and 1 splash pickles liquid

radishes, tomatoes for decoration
herbs such as chives, parsley or cress

lowensenfhengstenberg 13 herbs vinegar

Cooking Instructions Potato Salad

– Cook the potatoes in water. Drain, and let cool off a bit.
– Make the hard boiled eggs, drain, place in cold water for 1 min, then peel. Let cool off.
– Chop onion fine.
– Cut pickles and eggs into small cubes. Leave one egg for decoration.

– Peel potatoes and cut in thin slices.
– Combine mayonnaise, cream, oil, vinegar, pickles liquid, yoghurt, mustard, pickles, eggs, onions and spices.
– Pour over the potatoes and mix well.
– Let sit in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Some say even 2-3 hours is needed.

If you like decorate with sliced radishes and tomato quarters and 1 egg cut in quarters

Serve with sausages, Buletten, fried fish or chicken or Winer Schnitzel.

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