Authentic Recipe Sacher Cake from Vienna

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The history of the Sacher Cake or Sachertorte in German begins in 1832, when Prince Metternich ordered his personal chef with creating a special dessert for several important guests. But the master chef head chef got sick, so the task was handed to a boy of 16 years named Franz Sacher who was an apprentice in his second year of training.

The boy obviously did a great job as his cake became the most popular cake or in German “Torte” of the whole world. As of today the original recipe is a secret and is only used in the Hotel Sacher. The original cake has a seal on top of the  cake which is made out of chocolate (of course). You can see that seal on the photo. Happy Baking!

Ingredients Sacher Cake

200 g dark baking chocolate (at least 70% cocoa, no sugar)
200 g butter, 200 g sugar
1 dash salt
8 egg yolks and 8 egg white
1 package vanilla sugar, 0.3oz OR
– How to make Vanilla Sugar –

230 g flour, unbleached, all purpose – Find German Flour Here – 
butter for the form

4 tbsp apricot jam

Fondant (Top Layer)
200 g dark baking chocolate
1/4 liter hot water
150 g sugar

Baking Instructions Sacher Cake

1. Break the chocolate in some pieces and melt it in a double boiler; let it cool off completely in a pot with cold water BUT the chocolate must be still soft.
2. Mix butter until it is smooth, add salt and sugar and stir for another 5 minutes. Mix in first melted chocolate then egg yolks; beat until foamy. Beat egg white until firm; add vanilla sugar bit by bit.
3. Place firm egg white onto the chocolate cream and sieve the flour on top, then mix it carefully.

4. Pre-heat oven to 320 F.
Place parchment paper on a form (diameter 24cm, 10,5 inches); optional: grease it with margarine or butter. Fill on top the dough and make a smooth surface.
Bake for 10-15 min by leaving the oven door 1 inch open, then close the door and bake for another 40 minutes on 160 C or 320 F, on the lowest rack.

5. When cake is done let cool off in the form, then with a pointed knife cut carefully around the edges; turn the form upside down so the cake can drop on the cooling rack below. Remove parchment paper. If surface of the cake is not even, use a sharp knife to even it out.
Cut the cake horizontally in half.

6. Warm up jam in a pot, and stir until smooth. The jam should not contain any skin or apricot pieces. Spread the jam evenly on both of the two sides of the cake. Carefully place them together again. Spread more jam all around the cake as well; let it dry for 5 minutes.

7. Fondant – Chocolate Glaze
Break the chocolate in pieces and mix with hot water in a pot, stir until smooth; add sugar. For 10 minutes, while stirring, bring it to the soft-boil stage. Remove from stove, let cool off slightly, and stir until it is an opaque mass of a creamy consistency.
8. Pour the glaze over the cake in one time and with a baking spatula smooth it out (this might need some experience). Let fondant get completely firm before you cut the cake. This can take some time. Keep at a cool place.
9. Before serving cut in 12 pieces. It’s recommended  to dip the blade into very hot water and then cut the cake to avoid breakage. The glaze shouldn’t break while cutting.

Enjoy the Sacher Cake or Sachertorte with a dot of whipped cream aside.

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