The Sunflower Seed Bread is an easy recipe even for baking beginners. There is nothing better than home made bread. No chemicals, and you can add what you like best. Spelt flour is a good alternative for wheat. This German bread recipe is proven…
Do you know the Golden toast bread? The was first toast bread in Germany, and it started in 1963. The German Golden Toast bread is unfortunately not available here in the USA. The good thing is, we found a recipe for making this bread….
The German Apple bread is a nice alternative to fruit bread, it does not contain eggs. The recipe is proven from my sister-in-law and I had the pleasure to taste it myself! I watched her making it so it’s a proven German recipe. But…
The German Style bread baked in cast iron form is very easy to make, you just need a cast iron pot or a Dutch oven. Such a pot can also be used for other dishes such as pot roasts. We got the recipe from…