German Pumpkin Soup – A Black Forest Recipe

The German Pumpkin Soup is from the popular German region Black Forest. For this German recipe we use caraway seeds and thyme. It is a delicious seasonal soup – Happy Cooking!

german pumpkin soup

Ingredients German Pumpkin Soup

1 kg pumpkin
2 potatoes
1 leek
2 tbsp clarified butter
caraway seeds, coriander, pepper corns, 1 branch thyme
1 liter vegetable brothRecipe For Home Made Vegetable Broth –
100 ml heavy cream
pumpkin seed oil (optional)

Cooking Instructions German Pumpkin Soup

– Peel potatoes, cut in small pieces.
– Remove seeds from pumpkin, cut in small cubes, leek as well.
– Heat clarified butter, add pumpkin, potatoes and leek.
– In a mortar pound caraway seeds, pepper corns and coriander.
– Add to vegetable together with thyme twig.
– Let it simmer in covered pan for 20 minutes.
– Add broth and uncovered bring it to a boil. Let sit for another 20 minutes (uncovered, no heat). Remove thyme branch.
– With a stick mixer puree soup, spice with salt and pepper to taste.
– Before serving add heavy cream and sprinkle with chopped parsley and some drops of pumpkin seed oil.

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