German Spaetzle – Swabian Noodle Specialty

german spatzle

German Spaetzle are not only popular in the South of Germany, in Swabia, they are known in Switzerland and the Alsace. I am very happy that I even can purchase dried ones here in the USA!  But do you know how to make them?…

Chocolate Spritz Cookies for the Holidays

Chocolate Spritz Cookies

Spritz cookies or Spritzgebäck is a classic for Christmas. The chocolate Spritz cookies are easy to make, you can fill them or not. Happy Baking! Ingredients Chocolate Spritz Cookies Makes about 60 cookies 40 g marzipan, raw 150 g butter 50 g powdered sugar…

The Best Christmas Markets in America

german christmas markets usa

Everyone who has ever visited a Christmas Market in Germany knows how romantic and traditional these markets are. All the markets are held in the center of the town or city and often around the church, castle, dome or cathedral. Such a place would…

German Beef Rouladen – Authentic Recipe

german beef rouladen

German Beef Rouladen (or beef rolls) is a very delicious and popular German dish. It is not only popular during the holidays, it is served for Sunday lunches when the whole family and friends get together. They are called in German “Rindsrouladen”. The German…

German Sweet Bread with Hazelnut Filling – Nusszopf

german sweet bread

The “Nusszopf” or German sweet bread with a hazelnut filling is a classic German cake or pastry. It is made out of a yeast dough and filled with almonds or hazelnuts, braided. This is an authentic and proven German recipe. To make this German…

The Weckman Season

nikolaus weckmann

In many parts of Germany the Weckman season starts with St. Martin’s Day.  What is a “Weckman” you may ask? It’s a figure that is made out of yeast bread with raisin eyes and a smile and/or a clay pipe. Bakeries make them starting…

German Christmas Cookies Adventsschnitten

german christmas cookies adventsschnitten

The season for German Christmas Cookies starts in the  so called “Adventszeit”, the 4 weeks before Christmas. The recipe “Adventsschnitten” or advent cookies is a delicious recipe for this time of the year. The cookies are spiced with cinnamon and cloves, and they pair…

Authentic German Pfeffernusse Recipe for the Holidays

authentic german pfeffernuesse recipe

This is an authentic German Pfeffernusse recipe as you would find in Germany. German Pfeffernusse are traditional Christmas cookies and very popular. You can find them in any bakery or supermarket in Germany. Get some German tradition into your home with this recipe. The…