How to Make Krokant for Baking – Crunchy Sweet Crumbles

how to make krokant

If you want to make the Frankfurter Kranz Cake you need to know how to make Krokant because it is not available in the USA in the regular supermarkets. In English it would be called Brittle or Crunchy sweet Crumbles. You may find it at German specialty stores. Krokant is smaller than brittle and it is used especially for decorating cakes and desserts. The good thing is that it is very easy to make it from scratch. Happy Cooking!

how to make krokant

Ingredients How to Make Krokant

100 g chopped almonds or hazelnuts
120 g sugar
2 tbsp butter
parchment or wax paper to dry the Krokant

Cooking Instructions

  • Melt butter with sugar in a pan or in a wide pot.
  • Add the almonds and now stir a lot for about 5-6 min with a wooden spoon (not a metal one). The almonds should be slightly brown.
  • When the nuts have the desired color place them on a sheet of parchment paper, and let them cool off completely.
  • you can use a rolling pin to get the nuts separated or fill them in a plastic bag and crush them.

Keep the Krokant in a jar with a lid or just use it right away for a delicious ice cream dessert or the Frankfurter Kranz Cake.

How to Peel Almonds
If you cannot find peeled almonds, and for making Krokant you would need them peeled, learn how to peel them. It is very easy. A little bit of work though but it is worth, so you can make the Frankfurter Kranz Cake

Frankfurter Kranz Cake
Place almonds in boiling water for 2 min.
Drain them and rinse with cold water.
Place one almond between 2 fingers and the almond will slip out easily.

Video (in German) to see how it is done


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