How to Make Krokant for Baking – Crunchy Sweet Crumbles

how to make krokant

If you want to make the Frankfurter Kranz Cake you need to know how to make Krokant because it is not available in the USA in the regular supermarkets. In English it would be called Brittle or Crunchy sweet Crumbles. You may find it…

German Gluten Free Almond Cake

german gluten free almond cake

This German gluten free almond cake is for you if you cannot have Gluten. It is easy to make without needing special ingredients. Happy Baking! If you cannot get blanched almond slices find them here: Sincerely Nuts Blanched Almonds Sliced 1 LB Ingredients German…

German Pistachio Cookies for the Holidays

Our German pistachio cookies are of course excellent holiday cookies but you can bake them also throughout the year. They are so delicious that these cookies will become your favorite. It’s a great cookie that goes along well with a cup of tea or…

All About Baking Yeast

  Today learn the importance of yeast in German Baking. It is all about Baking yeast today! Yeast is using a lot for many baking recipes and many recipes require fresh yeast. In the USA we never saw any fresh yeast in the super…