German Raspberry Chocolate Roll

raspberry chocolate roll

Cake rolls or Rouladen are very popular in Germany and quite special as you cannot get them in the USA at all unless you find a European bakery. Learn today how to make the raspberry chocolate roll.
You don’t need any special baking utensils for this German cake recipe. If you follow exactly the instructions it will turn out wonderful. There are also some tips on how to roll the base cake in order it can be filled. We want a soft base cake which we also call “biscuit cake”. It has nothing to do with biscuits as you may know.
We recommend that you should have some baking experience to make this roll. Enjoy this wonderful cake with a good cup of coffee.
– Find Tschibo Coffee here –  Happy Baking!

Ingredients Raspberry Chocolate Roll

Base Cake
6 eggs
125 g sugar
6 tbsp hot water
220 g flour
80 g cocoa powder, unsweetend
1 package vanilla sugar Dr Oetker or 0.3oz
– How to make Vanilla Sugar –

1 tbsp baking powder

For the Filling
250 ml heavy cream
75 g powdered sugar
300 g raspberries, fresh or frozen
3 sheet gelatin, white or red
1 rimmed baking tray 10×15 inches

Baking Instructions

Make the Base Cake
– Separate eggs.
– Beat egg white very firm.
– In a different bowl beat egg yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar until bubbly.
– Add hot water spoon by spoon.
– Continue beating with a hand mixer until the dough has thickened a bit (this can be for 2-3 min).
– Mix flour with cocoa powder and baking powder – add to the dough, carefully fold it in with a spatula.
– Finally add firm egg white and mix carefully with spatula.
Pre-heat oven to 375 F.

– Use a high side baking tray that is layered with a sheet of parchment paper.
– Spread the dough on the paper.
– Bake for 15-20 min.
– Sprinkle some sugar on waxed paper that is placed on top of a damp kitchen towel; then invert baked cake on top.
– Remove parchment paper from warm cake. It should come off easily. Trim edges of cake if necessary.
– Roll the dough immediately (important!) and let cool off.

Make the Filling
– Frozen raspberries should be 50 percent defrosted.
– Soak the gelatin for 10 min in cold water.
– Bring raspberries with 2 tbsp water to a very brief boil. If you don’t like the seeds press them through a sieve. Let cool off for 2-3 min.
– Squeeze the gelatin and add to the raspberries (they should never be super hot). Mix well. Let cool off.
– If you see that the thickening has started, beat heavy cream with powdered sugar until firm and with a spatula add to the raspberries. Mix carefully.

raspberry chocolate roll

Using No Gelatin for the Filling
You can just use whipped cream and 1 sachet Whip it, and pureed raspberries for the filling but make sure that the raspberries are not having too much liquid. You would not boil them, just puree them fresh or half frozen  with a stick mixer, and it should be ok.

Roll the Cake
– Unroll the cool cake carefully, then spread the filling evenly on it.
– Roll it again. The waxed paper will help to roll it.
– Keep at least 1 hour in the fridge before serving.
– Dust with powdered sugar or decorate the roll just before serving.

bienenstich cake

Recipe/photo source

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