Orange Cake

This German cake is a classic and it is super easy to make it. The orange cake is a coffee cake or pound cake which is the best with a cup of coffee or tea.

orange cake

Ingredients Orange Cake

4 eggs
250 g sugar
200 ml sunflower oil
200 ml orange juice (unsweetened)
zest of 2 oranges (organic)
300 g flour
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 package baking powder (or o.7oz)
100 g powdered sugar
orange juice

Baking Instructions
– grease a form such as pound cake form, Gugelhupf form or the wreath form, keep the greased form in the fridge.
– pre-heat oven to 350 F.
– beat eggs and sugar until creamy, add oil, orange juice and zest. Mix well.
– mix flour with baking powder, add to dough.
– fill in form and bake for about 45 min.
– when cake is done get it out of the form and place it on a grid.
– mix ingredients for the glaze, it should be thick, so use juice as needed. If the cake is still warm and you use the glaze it will sink into the cake; it won’t if the cake is cooled off.
– you also can dust the cake with powdered sugar if you don’t want to use a glaze.
– you also can make a chocolate glaze: melt chocolate by using the double boiler method, add 1 tsp coconut oil, when chocolate is melted spread over the cake.

Make Quark at Home

It looks like you found a German recipe that is using quark as an ingredients, and you cannot find quark in your supermarket. There is a solution, an easy solution: Make quark at home from scratch. It is not impossible. Why should you miss these delicious German recipes that need quark? Learn today how you can make quark.

home made quark

Things you need:

– A big sized pot
– 1 gallon whole milk and 1/2 cup buttermilk
– 1/2 rennet tablet (see photo)
– Colander
– Clean cotton dish towel or cheese cloth

rennet tablets


– Pour milk in a large pot, and warm it slowly to room temperature. It should not get too warm.
– Dissolve the rennet tablet.
– Stir well and put a lid on the pot.
(do not disturb the mix by stirring anymore).
– Leave the milk-mix out on the counter at room temperature for about 24 hours. After that the milk will have curdled and separated from the whey.

– Place a large colander in your sink and line the colander with a thin and clean cotton dish towel. Make sure the whole colander is lined with the towel.
Do not use cheese cloth because it is too thin.
– Pour the curd and whey into the colander, then set the colander onto your pot so the whey can drip through the towel.
– Put a lid on the quark, then fold the towel edges on top of the lid. Put the pot with the dripping colander in the refrigerator for about 24 hours, then the quark is ready to use.

1 gallon of milk will give you about 2 lbs of quark.

If you are looking for a substitute for quark we have an article about it – GO TO THE ARTICLE –

Now you are ready to make the popular German cheese cake!

Click here to Go to the Recipe for German Cheese Cake

german cheese cake

Asbach Brandy Drink Recipes

asbach A&A auslese and Riesling
Asbach Brandy Drink recipes contain the traditional and classic German brandy A&A – Asbach and Auslese Riesling Liqueur.
This is a special Riesling Liqueur that is used as an aperitif (it contains only 19% alcohol).
It isn’t just great neat or on the rocks but also marvelous in a long drink. The charmingly delicate balance of fruit notes and bitterness is a perfect compliment to ginger ale and tonic. You can try A&A Asbach with a dry German Sekt such as Schlumberger or Italian Prosecco – a great way to start your next party. Your guests will be surprised how good it will taste.

Asbach Brandy Drink Recipes

asbach drink recipes with Asbach A&A
A&A Ginger Ale

4 cl A&A – Asbach and Auslese Riesling Liqueur
Ginger Ale
Ice Cubes
Put 3 – 4 ice cubes in the Original Asbach Longdrink glass, add 4 cl of well-chilled A&A – Asbach und Auslese Riesling Liqueur and fill up with ice-cold ginger ale.A&A Sparkling
1 – 3 cl A&A – Asbach and Auslese Riesling Liqueur
Sparkling wine
Fill a champagne glass with chilled sparkling wine and add optional 1 – 3 cl of well chilled A&A – Asbach und Auslese Riesling-LiqueurA&A Tonic
4 cl A&A – Asbach and Auslese Riesling Liqueur
Tonic Water
Ice Cubes
Put 3 – 4 ice cubes into an Original Asbach Longdrink glass, pour over 4 cl of ice-cold A&A – Asbach und Auslese Riesling Liqueur and fill up with ice-cold tonic water.

Find Asbach Brandy in the USA at

Cherry Jam with Asbach

cherry jam with asbach

Cherry Jam with Asbach: If you are tired of buying jams because you love home made food, here is a great German recipes for cherry jam with a bit of the German brandy Asbach Uralt.

Ingredients (makes 5-6 jars depending on size) Cherry Jam with Asbach
about 1 kg cherries, washed and de-pitted or sour cherries
500 g sugar
1 package pectin
1-2 tbsp lemon juice
1 little (German) Schnaps glass Asbach Uralt

asbach uraltCooking Instructions Cherry Jam with Asbach

– take out the pits if necessary and puree cherries (not too fine).
– in a large pot mix cherries with sugar, lemon juice, pectin and Asbach, bring to a boil and stir frequently.
– let it boil for 4 minutes, stir continuously.
– prepare jars, rinse them in hot water, dry them then fill with cherry jam, close right away.
– turn jars upside down and let them stand like that for 15 minutes, then turn around and let cool off.
Find Asbach Uralt at – they cannot sell it online but take calls or emails for orders.
phone: (845) 358 7230


Recipe source

Bundt Cake Recipe from Scratch

The Bundt cake recipes from scratch is using sour cherries (Schattenmorellen in German), and it is a great German cake, the name in German is “Napfkuchen”. It is the cake that looks awesome on the coffee and cake table. Inside you have sour cherries that you can get in CA at Trader Joe’s or online. Happy Baking!

German bundt cake recipe from scratch

Ingredients Bundt Cake Recipe from Scratch
1 jar (680ml) sour cherries
5 eggs
80 g butter
180 g sugar
peel of one organic lemon
3 tbsp lemon juice
180 g flour
1/2 package Dr. Oetker baking powder
dark baking chocolate for the glaze (200g)
20 g white baking chocolate

Baking Instructions Bundt Cake Recipe from Scratch
– Drain cherries in a sieve, keep the juice.
– separate eggs; beat yolks, butter, 90 g sugar, lemon peel until foamy.
– mix flour with baking powder, add to the dough.
– beat egg whites until firm, fold into dough.
– grease a Bundt form and dust it with flour; add dough into form, then add cherries to the dough.
– bake it in pre-heated oven 50-60 minutes on 200 C or 350 F.
– cover cake after 25 minutes baking time with parchment paper.
– let cake cool off.
– melt chocolate in double-boiler and spread over the cake.
– grate white chocolate coarse and sprinkle over the cake.

Merry Christmas – Frohe Weihnachten

Merry Christmas – Frohe Weihnachten From – wishing you a wonderful Christmas wherever you are. Enjoy it with some German goodies or not. May it be the best one ever!

merry christmas frohe weihnachten

Mocha Meringue Cookies

These Mocha Meringue cookies are irresistible. They will melt on your tongue. You need only 5 ingredients to make them, that’s all. If you want to surprise your friends and family with something special you must make these them. Happy Baking!

mocca meringue cookies

Ingredients Mocha Meringue Cookies

2 egg white, medium size
1 dash salt
100 g sugar
1 tbsp espresso powder instant
100 dark chocolate

Baking Instructions Mocha Meringue Cookies

– Beat egg white and salt until firm; add bit by bite sugar and beat egg white until sugar is completely dissolved (egg white needs to be shiny).
– Mix espresso powder with some hot water.
– Take one half of the meringue dough and add the espresso to it; fill in a pastry bag with star nozzle and spread little puffs on 2 baking trays layered with baking paper. Do the same with the white meringue dough, if you like Vanilla add some drops of baking vanilla to it.
– Let them dry (not bake)  in pre-heated oven for 3-3.5 hours on 100 C or 200 F. Let cool off.
– Chop dark chocolate and melt in double boiler while stirring.
– Take one white meringue puff and dip the flat side into the chocolate and place a brown one against it.
– Place them on baking paper and let them dry.

Keep them at a cool and dry place in a box until Christmas.


Rum Balls with Dry Fruit

rum balls with dry fruit

Ingredients (20 pieces) Rum Balls
1 package dried fruit (200g) Mariani Sun Ripened Mixed Fruit No Sugar Added Dried Fruit 36 Ounce Value Bag
2 tbsp dark rum
1 tbsp liquid honey
50 g chocolate sprinkles – Wilton Sprinkles: Chocolate Jimmies

Baking Instructions Rum Balls
– Chop dry fruit with rum and honey in the food processor or chop them with a knife finely, then mix with rum and honey.
– Form balls and roll them in chocolate sprinkles.
Variation: melt dark chocolate in double boiler, dip each rum ball in the chocolate then sprinkle with chocolate sprinkles.