Rote Gruetze Recipe – Popular German Dessert

rote gruetze recipe

Summer is the time for the popular German dessert, here is the Rote Gruetze recipe. It is not difficult at all and very easy to make. Rote Gruetze comes originally from Scandinavia and Northern Germany. The main ingredients are red berries and red juice, thickened with corn starch.
The classic recipe is using red and black currant berries and raspberries. Strawberries are not recommended to use. Recommended are red berry mixes with blueberries, cherries, raspberries or sour cherries, fresh, frozen or from the jar. Happy Cooking!

Ingredients Rote Gruetze

(serves 4)
0.5 liter red wine – alternatively for the non-alcoholic version red grape or cherry juice (if you use cherries from the jar the liquid makes 0.5 liter)
sugar to taste or 1 package vanilla sugar
– How to Make Vanilla Sugar –
1/4 liter cherry or red grape juice
2 tbsp corn starch or 1 package Vanilla pudding
500 g red berries: raspberries, sour cherries, red currants, blueberries, black berries – fresh, frozen or from the jar

Cooking Instructions Rote Gruetze

– Bring red wine or juice with sugar (if you use it) to  a boil.
– Mix starch with some water until smooth, then add to hot wine/juice.
– If you use frozen berries they should be still frozen.
– Fresh berries: Wash and prepare the berries
– Add berries and bring to a boil. The juice/wine should have thickened.
– Pour into a bowl.
– Keep the Grütze in the fridge for at least 3-4 hours, it has to get solid.

Serve with 
– Whipped cream
– Vanilla ice cream or
– A cold or warm vanilla sauce. – RECIPE FOR VANILLA SAUCE –

Vanilla Sauce Warm or Cold from Dr. Oetker
german vanilla sauce


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