Bavarian Dumplings – Semmelknoedel Recipe

bavarian dumplings

The Bavarian Dumplings are always served with a meat dish and gravy, such as Rinderbraten (Roast beef), Goulash, Beef rolls or Rouladen (find all recipes on The Bavarian recipe for dumplings is using rolls that are not fresh, they have to be some…

Potato Sterz – Authentic Austrian Recipe

austrian potato sterz

Potato Sterz or in German “Kartoffel Sterz” is a dish that comes originally from Austria, and is very popular in Bavaria, especially in lower Bavaria. It is a simple dish that can be made with different ingredients. Instead of potatoes you can use semolina,…

Bavarian Beef Roast – Authentic Recipe from Bavaria

bavarian beef roast

Bavaria is famous for its delicious food. We found a recipe for a Bavarian beef roast and it is one of the best Bavarian recipes. You can also cook it in a slow cooker for 5-8 hours depending on the kind of beef that…

Original Bavarian Food – Old Bavarian Schnitzel

We all know that Bavaria is a paradise for good food. The Bavarian cuisine has more to offer than dumplings and ham hocks. We found a recipe that is very popular in Bavaria: Old Bavarian Schnitzel or “altbayerisches Schnitzel” in German. It is basically…