German Fasnacht Krapfen Recipe – Carnival Specialty

german fasnacht krapfen
german gift boxes

The German Fasnacht Krapfen recipe is a traditional German dish for the Fasnacht, Karneval or Fasching time – in Germany also called “the wild days!” It is like the recipe “Berliner” or “Mutzen” which are deep fried but these Krapfen have no filling.
To make such dishes for carnival or “Fasnacht” is an old tradition. After Fasnacht there is the time were people used to stay away from rich foods like cakes and meat until Easter. Fasnacht is therefor the time where people were allowed to drink and eat  what they can, and hence these deep fried dishes came about. This recipe is using raisins but it is optional, you don’t have to use them. Happy Cooking!

Ingredients Fasnacht Krapfen

60g sugar
125 g butter
1 dash salt
500 g flour
4 eggs (room temperature)
1 package Dr Oetker Baking Powder
oil for deep frying – half coconut oil (taste neutral, expeller pressed), half lard (Schmalz)
powdered sugar

Cooking Instructions

– Beat the butter until bubbly. Mix flour with baking powder.
– Add sugar, eggs and flour mix, and milk as needed so get a semi-firm dough.
– Knead as needed.
– On a smooth surface sprinkled with flour roll the dough.
–  Cut out round forms, the best is to use a smaller drinking or wine glass.
– Heat grease in the deep fryer on 175 C or 350 F, you don’t need the basket. You could also use a deeper pan.
– Place the round dough cookies into the grease. They will get bigger and should be baked evenly on all sides. Cooking time can be 5-10 min.
– Let them drain on kitchen paper or in a sieve.
– Dust with powdered sugar or a sugar-cinnamon mix.
“Sehr wohlschmeckend und billig: Tastes to so good and is cheap.”

This is an old recipe for this dish that I found in a book, the recipe above is based on this recipe

fasnacht recipe krapfen 1910


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