German Filled Roasted Duck – For Festive Dinners

German Roasted Duck

In Germany we love to serve roasted duck or goose for the holidays. Here’s a recipe for you: German filled roasted duck – A highlight for a festive menu. There’s only  a few special ingredients that you need, it is mugwort and lovage.  These…

German Filled Roasted Goose

german filled roasted goose

The German filled roasted goose is a traditional food specialty for Christmas. In Germany they import the geese from Poland, about five million each year. Mugwort is the typical herb that is used for roasting the goose and you can get it dried on…

Pan Roasted Schaschlik Skewers with Spicy Sauce

Today learn how to make the Pan Roasted Schaschlik Skewers. In a different recipe we showed how to barbecue them, a different recipe is about how to make Schaschlik as a pot roast dish. It’s a Eastern dish which has gained a lot of…

Roasted Almonds – Christmas Market Specialty

Roasted almonds are a German specialty that you will find on every  German Christmas Market throughout Germany. They are also available here in the USA but are not as common as for example the Kettle corn. We found a recipe to make roasted almonds…