German Topkiss Cake – A Special Cake

German Topkiss Cake

The German Topkiss cake, or called “Topkuss” Cake in German, is a cake that contains the sweet treat called topkiss: a German crispy waffle on the bottom combined with creamy foam, and surrounded by dark chocolate. Here is  a little history on the top…

German Quark Alternatives – Substitute Quark

german quark alternatives

You probably have asked yourself what could I use instead of quark? Many of the German recipes, especially cakes, pastries and desserts are using quark as a main ingredient. And it’s this ingredient that adds that special taste to the dish. Quark is very…

Palatschinken Recipe – Austrian Pancakes


If you like pancakes you will like this recipe for Palatschinken which are thin pancakes and very similar to the French crêpes but much thinner than the American pancakes. Palatschinken contain only a few ingredients: eggs, wheat flour, milk, sugar and salt. You would…

Authentic German Cheese Cake Recipe

german cheese cake

Authentic German Cheese Cake recipe: Are you looking for an original and authentic German recipe for cheese cake? You found the right recipe among all recipes that you can find online. This recipe is authentic German.  The German Cheese Cake or “Käsekuchen” is one…

German Strawberry Cheese Cake

German Strawberry Cheese Cake

You will love this German Strawberry Cheese Cake – It’s a delicious combination of strawberries, a short cake and a quark filling. Make sure to use really ripe strawberries. Just right for a summer’s day with a cup of German coffee. Happy Baking! Ingredients…

German Easter Rabbit Cookies – Made with Quark

german easter rabbit pastry

Easter is a time for some special baking such as the German Easter Rabbit Cookies. One ingredient is quark. If you cannot purchase it there are methods to make it from scratch. Happy Baking! Ingredients German Easter Rabbit Cookies 500 g quark – How…

Buttermilk Plinsen or Pancakes – From East Germany

buttermilk plinsen

The recipe for “Plinsen” or “Blinsen” is a typical recipe from the regions of East and Middle Germany, and they are pancakes, in Russia they call them “Bliny”. These  round pancakes are small, even smaller than a pan size. If quark is added you…

Dresden Cheese Cake Eierschecke


The Dresden Cheese Cake Eierschecke is a cake specialty from Dresden, mainly from Saxon and Thuringia. The photo below shows the famous and beautiful cheese store and restaurant “Pfunds” where they sell this cake (see the photo below, showing the cheese chop). THE…