How to Make Krokant for Baking – Crunchy Sweet Crumbles

how to make krokant

If you want to make the Frankfurter Kranz Cake you need to know how to make Krokant because it is not available in the USA in the regular supermarkets. In English it would be called Brittle or Crunchy sweet Crumbles. You may find it…

How to make Vanilla Pudding – German Custard Dessert

German vanilla pudding

Find out today how to make vanilla pudding or custard – In Germany we use vanilla pudding a lot in the making of cakes and pastries or just as a dessert. Dr. Oetker produces a pudding powder that is convenient but they flavor it…

Cooking with Pumpkin – How to Cut and Peel Pumpkin

Cooking with Pumpkin – On we feature many recipes using pumpkin. In Germany there are many recipes with pumpkin and today find out How to cut and peel a pumpkin. There is a little trick and the peeling and cutting is done in…