Original Wiener Schnitzel Recipe

Today you will learn about the Original Wiener Schnitzel Recipe. The Wiener Schnitzel is the most popular meat dish known in other countries. Its origin is quite interesting. Originally the Wiener Schnitzel is from Austria, and the name is protected by law, plus it…

Salzburger Nockerln – Traditional Dish from Austria

salzburger nockerl

Salzburger Nockerln is a classic recipe from the home town of Mozart: Salzburg in Austria. The recipe can be traced back to the 17th century, and it is been said that it is featuring the hillside surrounding Salzburg:  The Gaisberg, Moenchsberg and Nonnberg. Very…

Old Fashioned Filled Almond Christmas Cookies

German Austrian Cookies

You have found a traditional Austrian recipe for today’s Old Fashioned Filled Almond Christmas Cookies. This recipe is more than 100 years old. The cookies are little pockets filled with a  delicious almond filling. They are also called  almond pockets. Even it is an ancient…

German Zwiebelrostbraten – Beef Onion Roast

Zwiebelroastbraten Viennese Roast Beef

The German Zwiebelroastbraten or Beef Onion Roast is a classic German dish that is served in many regions of Germany, like in Franconia, Thuringia, Berlin, Hessen, Swabia or Vienna. If you would translate it literally it means “onion-topped roast beef with gravy”. The recipes…

Kaiserschmarrn Recipe – Austrian Authentic Dessert


Kaiserschmarrn recipe is a local Austrian-German specialty that has become very popular. Let’s look first at some definitions. The word “Kaiser” means “Emperor” and “Schmarrn” means “Mishmash” in Austrian-German. Nevertheless the translation of Kaiserschmarrn has generated some debate. “Kaiser” is literally translated as “emperor”,…

5 Best Bakeries in Vienna, Austria

Are you planning a trip to Vienna, the capital of Austria? If so you have to make sure to visit the local bakeries because you will not get anything comparable in America. The bakery products are outstanding and are based on traditional recipes and…

Austrian Krapfen – Berliner – German Pastry


Enjoy this original and authentic recipe for Austrian Krapfen, a pastry that is very popular in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. In Germany we call it Berliner. The pastry is filled with jam or sometimes with a vanilla custard. It is not that difficult to…

Austrian Rum Balls or Rumkugeln

Rum Balls Rumkugeln

These Austrian rum balls, or in German we call them “Rumkugeln”, are a classic for Christmas. Nevertheless they are a delicious treat throughout the year. The rum balls are made after a traditional Austrian recipe from the ancient times, when Franz Josef 1st used…