German Quark Streusel Cake with Fruit

german quark streusel cake with fruit

What about a Quark Streusel Cake with fruit to combine with a cup of German coffee or tea? My favorite German coffee is from Tschibo. This is an authentic and proven German recipe, you just have to make the quark which is not so…

Black Forest Gugelhupf – Authentic German

The Black Forest Gugelhupf is a German bundt cake that is containing sour cherries which are sprinkled with “Kirsch Brandy” (Kirschwasser, the famous brandy from the Black Forest). If you don’t want to use brandy you might want to add some natural rum flavor…

Filled Streusel Pastry

filled streusel cookies

Germany is the country for many pastries that are filled with all kinds of creamy fillings. The Filled streusel pastry is a yeast dough that is formed into smaller balls, baked and then filled with a rich vanilla filling. A one of a kind…

German Plum Streusel Cake

german plum streusel cale

When Italian plums are ripe – we call them Zwetschgen in German – there is nothing better than a to make a German Plum Streusel Cake. Delicious German cake that is easy to make and doesn’t need any special ingredients, you just need to…

Chocolate Pear Cake – Authentic German Recipe

chocolate pear cake

The Chocolate pear cake is an original German cake and is very easy to bake. If you don’t have the packaged vanilla sugar you can make it yourself – See Recipe below OR click here.  The recipe is also using egg liquor which you…

German Onion Tart – Onion Cake Zwiebelkuchen

onion cake

The German Onion Tart or “Zwiebelkuchen” is a popular dish of the South. This local specialty is often served with “first wine” in October. This wine is called “Süsser” or “Suser” , or in the Rhineland it’s “Federweisser”. In the region around Freiburg in…

Easy German Plum Cake Using Italian Plums

easy plum cake

With this easy German Plum Cake you will get a lot of compliments. It is a great German cake, proven and authentic. You should use the German plums (Zwetschgen) that are called here Damson or Italian plums. The dough is a biscuit dough, so…

German Apple Tartlets

german apple tartlets

Origin of the tartletts is of course France, you find them in every “Pattisserie”.  But in Germany baking with apples is very popular, so these German Apple Tartlets became very popular. They are ideal for a nice cake buffet or perfect when the apple…