German Donauwellen Cake

This is a very special cake  – The German Donauwellen Cake – in English it would be called the “Cake of the Danube waves” – it comes from the Danube region or the so called “Donauschwaben” region. The Danube starts in the Black Forest…

Mother’s Day Heart Cake – German Authentic Recipe

mother's day heart cake

Mother’s Day is the day of cakes and flowers. The mother’s day heart cake is easy to make and you don’t need special German ingredients. Surprise your mom with this cake! Celebrate Muttertag with a German Cake. Happy Baking! Ingredients Mother’s Day Heart Cake…

Classic German Bienenstich – Yeast Dough Version

bee sting cake bienenstich

This is a recipe for the Classic German Bienenstich Yeast Dough Version (bee sting cake). It takes some time to make this cake and we recommend that you have some baking experience. If you like to use a different version that is using a…

German Walnut Cake with Apples

The German Walnut Cake with apples makes a great cake for any occasion. In Germany we call such a cake “Gugelhupf” which is Bundt cake in English. It can be for the holidays, birthdays or for the coffee and cake Sunday afternoon. Try this…

German Streusel Cake with Vanilla Pudding

German streusel cake

There is nothing better than a German Streusel Cake with Vanilla Pudding combined with a cup of coffee or tea. This is an authentic and proven German cake recipe. Streusel means “crumbles” and in English that would be a “Crumble Cake”. The German Streusel…

German Poppy Seed Cake with Streusel

german poppy seed streusel cake

The German Poppy seed cake has a delicious filling that is made out of vanilla pudding and poppy seeds, with a layer of Streusel on top. The best is to get the German poppyseed filling from Dr. Oetker. You can use this filling for…

German Baumkuchen Recipe – Most Special Cake

german baumkuchen recipe

Find out today how to make the most special cake there is. We found an authentic German Baumkuchen recipe that is called in English “tree cake” because of all the layers as you can see in a tree. It is a heavenly cake! In…

Apricot Butter Cake – Original German Recipe

apricot butter cake

This is a great cake for summer when peaches or apricots are ripe. But it’s also delicious with canned fruit to make this original German cake. The cake base is a yeast dough (not that difficult to make) topped with with apricots/peaches and sliced…