German Flaedle Soup – Swabian Specialty Soup

flaedle soup

The German Flaedle soup is a special Swabian soup that you get in almost every Country Inn or “Gasthaus” of the South. Flädle are made out of pancakes. You would use pancake left overs to make this delicious German soup. In Germany you can…

German Potato Pancakes or Reibekuchen

german potato pancakes

German Potato Pancakes or “Reibekuchen” is a special German potato dish for all occasions. They are also called “Kartoffelpuffer” or in the South “Kartoffelküchle”. The little pancakes are very popular during the so called “Fastnachtszeit” (during German carnival), and in the Rhineland there is…

German Potato Pillekuchen – Rhineland Specialty

potato dish pillekuchen

The German potato dish called “Pillekuchen or Pillekooken, Pillekauken, Schnibbelkuchen, Pinnekuchen, Pinnekeskuchen or Leinewebers Pfannkuchen”, is a German potato specialty from the region Nord-Rhine Westfalia (Nordrheinwestfalen) around Leverkusen, Wuppertal, Remscheid and Solingen and the Rhineland. It is a very inexpensive dish and you won’t…

Authentic Rhineland Potato Pancakes

german potato pancakes

Rhineland Potato pancakes or Reibekuchen, as they call them in the Rhineland dialect, are a traditional German dish that you can find at street booths, at fairs or in restaurants. It is also called “Kartoffelpuffer” or “Kartoffelkuechle”. You enjoy them with apple compote, mashed…

German Apple Pancakes for the Perfect Brunch

apple pancakes

German apple pancakes or “Apfelpfannekuchen” in German, are great for a sweet supper or as part of a Sunday brunch. German apple pancakes are thinner than the American pancakes. If you want to make them use apples that are slightly sour. Happy Cooking! Ingredients German…

Mushroom Pancakes

Mushroom pancakes or in German “Pilzpuffer” are great for breakfast or brunch German style. This is an original German recipe which I found in a booklet “Kochen mit Ei” (cooking with eggs). Important is that you grind the mushrooms and onion ( such as…