German Crunchy Fried Potatoes

crunchy fried potatoes

The German crunchy fried potatoes are not just the regular fried potatoes, this is a different recipe. It’s about how to cook the potatoes to get a crunchy crust. If you like fried potatoes try this one out, you might want to make it…

Swabian Sour Potatoes – Saure Kartoffelrädle

Swabian Sour Potatoes

This is a German dish that originated a long time ago. It’s from the time after the second world war ended, the time of a big food shortage. Such times, as bad as they are, created many dishes, and still they are cooked in…

German Kroketten – Authentic and Home Made

german kroketten

Learn today how to make German Kroketten. This is a very popular German side dish that you can order in every German restaurant. I don’t know how I should call them in English, in the USA I found potato taters but they are not…

Schupfnudeln – German Swabian Fingernoodles

swabian recipe schupfnudeln

The Swabian recipe “Schupfnudeln” is a regional specialty from the German region Swabia, from the Schwabenland around Stuttgart and Ulm (the region around Stuttgart down to the Lake of Constance, the region where Spaetzle come from). On every local fair they make Schupfnudeln with…

German Potato Soup – Eintopf Dish from Germany

german potato soup

The German Potato soup is a very popular soup in Germany, and, as you probably know, Germany is the country with the best potatoes. There are special potatoes for salad, mashed and fried potatoes. This potato soup is a classic soup which is easy…

German Potato Dumplings from the Pfalz

german potato dumplings

The German Potato dumplings from the Pfalz – or in English “The Palatinate”  comes from Latin Palātium, and means palace; and in the  region itself they call it in their dialect: Palz). There is another word for it in German that is Rheinpfalz, and…

German Potato Pancakes or Reibekuchen

german potato pancakes

German Potato Pancakes or “Reibekuchen” is a special German potato dish for all occasions. They are also called “Kartoffelpuffer” or in the South “Kartoffelküchle”. The little pancakes are very popular during the so called “Fastnachtszeit” (during German carnival), and in the Rhineland there is…

Potato Brussels Sprouts Gratin

potato brussels sprout sgratin

The Potato Brussels Sprouts gratin is an original German recipe, and a typical dish during the fall and winter season. Gratins or casseroles are very popular in Germany, and we call such a dish in German “Auflauf”. Potatoes combined with Brussels sprouts is a…