Super Easy German Fruit Cake – Obstkuchen

Here is a super easy German fruit cake that can be made within minutes. We call the base cake (it’s like a sponge cake) in German a “Tortenboden” and the entire cake would be an “Obstkuchen”. You don’t have to be a master baker…

Baked Pastry Case for German Fruit Cakes

base cake

To make the German fruit cakes you need to have a baked pastry case. Here is the German recipe for the so called “Obstboden” that is made out of the so called “Muerbeteig” – in English it would be called short crust dough.  This is…

Fruit Biscuit Cake – German Obstkuchen

fruit biscuit cake

Wen fresh and ripe fruit is here in abundance this German cake might be the most popular cake in Germany. The fruit biscuit cake or Obstkuchen can be made with various fruit, with a glaze or not but always served with whipped cream. Happy…

German Tortenboden Recipe – Fruit Base Cake

German Tortenboden recipe

This German Tortenboden Recipe is the base for many different German cakes and it made out of a kneaded dough that we call in German “Mürbeteig” or short crust dough. The most popular cakes with apples, plums or cherries are using this base cake….