German Brotchen, or Brötchen (Bavarian: Semmeln) in German, are without exaggerating the best! Everyone who has visited Germany knows that these rolls are super delicious. They are part of every good German breakfast and, of course, they need to be fresh. A fresh Broetchen…
The German Apple bread is a nice alternative to fruit bread, it does not contain eggs. The recipe is proven from my sister-in-law and I had the pleasure to taste it myself! I watched her making it so it’s a proven German recipe. But…
In Germany we love sweet bread for the Sunday breakfast or brunch! Learn today to make the German Buttermilk Quark Sweet Bread. It is without yeast but we use quark and buttermilk. The dough is also good for rolls or can be placed in…
Not long ago I came across bread products that caught my attention. Of course as a German I am missing the nice baked goods. I am still in love with German rolls and bread and, I am sure you know, it’s hard to find…
Find out how to make the German burger rolls from scratch – the best rolls that you can get for your burgers. The most burger rolls in the average supermarkets of the USA are saturated with chemicals and preservatives. By using this recipe you…
The sweet German bread “Einback” is very popular in Germany and you can buy it in many bakeries. The best is the crust. It is soft inside but the crust is a little bit crunchy. It is not comparable with the sweet bread that…
The German Style bread baked in cast iron form is very easy to make, you just need a cast iron pot or a Dutch oven. Such a pot can also be used for other dishes such as pot roasts. We got the recipe from…
Today’s recipe is called Arme Ritter (French Toast in English), and it is a traditional dish that can be traced back to the Romans. The antique cooking book De re coquinaria describes this dish following: „Zerbrich abgeriebene Siligenen (= Winterweizengebäcke), mache größere Häppchen, tauche sie…