The round orange Pumpkin has many variations in the German cuisine, and one usage is to make a compote, or “Kompott” as we say in German. You practically can make compote with the most fruit. The Pumpkin Apple compote is a sweet dish and it…
Learn today how to make the Wine Custard Cream Dessert or “Weinschaumcreme” in German. Some say that this is the German version of the Italian recipe Zabaione. The truth is, it is a traditional and classic German Dessert recipe and especially recommended for a…
The German Weckmann Sweet Bread for St Martin’s Day is an old German tradition. Plural of a Weckmann would be Weckmänner, and there is no direct translation. It’s sweet bread formed to a Nikolaus type figure. In some regions the Weckmann is not a…
We are now in the fall season which is in America the season for all kinds of pumpkin dishes. Pumpkins have become quite popular in Germany too. Today we feature a German Pumpkin cake or bread. It is very easy to make and it…
German Christmas songs had been sung for hundreds of years. The most popular German Christmas songs have all religious character and in my childhood we would sing them every year under the Christmas tree. The most church choirs sing the songs and here is…