Allgau Specialty Recipe Speckfladen – Flat Bread

Allgau Specialty Recipe Speckfladen

The German region Allgäu is a very popular region of Germany’s South. There you find beautiful pastures with cows, farms where they make all kinds of dairy products. Many cheese and milk products come from the Allgäu. It is a great place for a…

Prinzregententorte – Bavarian Layered Chocolate Cake

Learn how to make the Prinzregententorte Bavarian Layered Chocolate Cake, a very traditional cake with quite some history. The cake consists of eight thin layers made out of a biscuit dough and chocolate butter creme all surrounded by a glaze of chocolate. The origin…

Allgau Specialty Onion Cake – Zwiebelkuchen

allgau onion cake

The region Allgäu of the South is a popular vacation destination for all seasons. The region is known for their good food specialties and milk products as well. Popular is the Allgäuer Bergkäse” a cheese that is made in the mountains. Today learn how…

Oktoberfest Leberkaese Pretzel Buns with Cabbage Salad

Today find out how to make the Oktoberfest Leberkaese Meatloaf with Cabbage Salad – A typical Oktoberfest dish that you can find in Munich at the “Wiesen” where you can celebrate the biggest and the THE original Oktoberfest of the world. The main ingredient…