Bavarian Brauhaus Goulash – Best of Bavaria

bavarian brauhaus goulash with dumplings

The Bavarian Brauhaus Goulash is an authentic German recipe from Bavaria. For this dish you would use German beer which adds an authentic taste. It is an original Bavarian food specialty and we are happy to provide the recipe for you, so you can…

Bavarian Apple Turnovers – Apfelmaultaschen

bavarian apple turnovers

If you love sweet apple dishes the Bavarian Apple Turnovers, or Apfelmaultaschen, is the dish to make. It can be varied with Italian plums, and it tastes the best when served with a warm vanilla sauce. Happy Cooking! Ingredients Bavarian Apple Turnovers DOUGH 300…

Bavarian Beef Roast – Authentic Recipe from Bavaria

bavarian beef roast

Bavaria is famous for its delicious food. We found a recipe for a Bavarian beef roast and it is one of the best Bavarian recipes. You can also cook it in a slow cooker for 5-8 hours depending on the kind of beef that…

Bavarian Dumplings – Semmelknoedel Recipe

bavarian dumplings

The Bavarian Dumplings are always served with a meat dish and gravy, such as Rinderbraten (Roast beef), Goulash, Beef rolls or Rouladen (find all recipes on The Bavarian recipe for dumplings is using rolls that are not fresh, they have to be some…

Original Bavarian Food – Old Bavarian Schnitzel

We all know that Bavaria is a paradise for good food. The Bavarian cuisine has more to offer than dumplings and ham hocks. We found a recipe that is very popular in Bavaria: Old Bavarian Schnitzel or “altbayerisches Schnitzel” in German. It is basically…

Bavarian Pork Roast with Beer Gravy & Semmelknodel

bavarian pork roast

This is not just a perfect Bavarian Oktoberfest or fall meal that you will love! It’s for any season. It’s served in Bavarian restaurants throughout the year. The Bavarian Pork Roast comes in a beer gravy and is served with bread dumplings (Semmelknödel) and…

German Liver Dumpling Soup – Bavarian Specialty

bavarian liver dumpling soup

The German liver dumpling soup is a Bavarian Specialty and is called in German “Leberknödelsuppe”. “Knödel” means dumpling and “Leber” means liver. If you travel to Bavaria one day, don’t forget to try this soup. It is served in almost every Bavarian Gasthaus (inn)….

Authentic Pichelsteiner Bavarian Stew

Pichelsteiner stew

This recipe has tradition, the Pichelsteiner Bavarian Stew.  It is one of the popular soup or stew (Eintopf) recipes from Germany, and this one is from Bavaria. It is very easy to do: Cut all ingredients in small pieces, mix them in a big…