German Mocha Layered Cake – Mokkatorte

german mocha cake

Do you need a special cake for your special occasion? We have the recipe for a German Mocha Cake – Mokkatorte in German. It is a layered cake but not with a heavy and rich butter cream. Normally the German layered cakes, the “Torten”,…

Holiday Apple Bread – Authentic German Recipe

holiday apple bread

This holiday apple bread is an authentic recipe and makes a great bread for the holiday season. It contains the spices we like so much: cinnamon and cloves. These spices and apples make a wonderful combination. Happy Baking! Ingredients Holiday Apple Bread 750 g…

The German Christmas Pickle – Myth or Lie?

german christmas pickle ornament

Let’s talk about  a “German” Christmas tradition that is somewhat unusual and deserves some attention. It’s the tradition of the Christmas pickle. Today I heard the first time about it, and being a German I wanted to know more about it. It was not…

German Gingerbread Lebkuchen Recipe

lebkuchen gingerbread

The authentic German Gingerbread Lebkuchen recipe is a classic recipe for the holiday bakery. This traditional holiday cookie is not that difficult to make.  You mix all ingredients and bake it on a baking tray. If you like you can spread chocolate or a…

German Almond Chocolate Holiday Cookies

german almond chocolate cookies

The recipe for the German almond chocolate cookies is quite easy, and you will not need any special ingredients. They very delicious cookies for the holidays and Christmas. Try them out and you will bake them again and again. Happy Baking! Ingredients German Almond…

German Marzipan Quark Stollen – A Christmas Recipe

german christmas marzipan quark stollen

Germany is the country of the most famous Christmas baking and one traditional cake is the Stollen. There are many different recipes on how to make the Stollen. One is the “German Marzipan Quark Stollen” recipe which we feature today. Just in time for…

German Marzipan Cookies – Spritz Cookies

marzipan cookies

These German Marzipan cookies are excellent Christmas cookies for marzipan lovers. Marzipan is a baking ingredient and it is made out of almond paste. For these cookies we recommend to get, if possible, the German marzipan or some high quality marzipan without coloring or…

Halloween Recipes: Bloody Hands

halloween recipe

It is time for great Halloween recipes like the Bloody hands recipe. It is an original German recipe but it is easy to make. You find all ingredients for the German Halloween recipes on, Amazon or in your local super market. This is…