German Kohlrabi Soup Bremen Style

kohlrabi soup bremen style

The kohlrabi soup from Bremen is a wonderful German soup and is very easy to make. Great soup for one of these cooler  evenings. You might be able to find kohlrabi at your local farmers markets. We found them at Sprouts and Wholefoods. Kohlrabi…

German Sweet Mini Fried Cheese Balls with Quark

mini fried cheese balls

A GERMAN QUARK RECIPE: This is another original German recipe that is using quark, the popular fresh cheese that we use for a lot of cakes and desserts. You can find information about quark and how to make it at home on (see…

Strawberry Cream Cake – The Best in Summer

strawberry cream cake

The Strawberry Cream cake needs a bit of work but you will be rewarded by its delicious taste. The cake recipe is using quark. You can make quark at home, it is not difficult – Click here to find out How to make Quark…

Simple German Pancake Recipe

simple german pancakes

We have several pancake recipes on this website but today I found an authentic German recipe that was too simple to be true! It’s a proven recipe, nothing can fail. Make these pancakes for your Sunday brunch, for a dessert with ice cream and…

German Leek Soup with Ground Beef

leek soup with ground meat

The leek soup with ground beef is a wonderful combination and makes a delicious German soup. It is nice for any season though some say it is a typical winter soup as leek normally is available during the winter months. Well, not anymore. Try…

German Spicy Red Sauce for Paprikaschnitzel

zigeuner sauce

The German Spicy Red Sauce for Paprikaschnitzel is a classic German sauce that is served with meat dishes such as Schnitzel or pork chops. If you make this sauce with a Schnitzel, the meat can be breaded or not, and the meat can be…

Spaghetti Bolognese with Mushrooms

spaghetti bolognese

Spaghetti are popular all over the world. It is the most famous pasta. So in Germany. Find out today how we cook Spaghetti Bolognese – Spaghetti with a meat sauce that also contains fresh mushrooms. For the Spaghetti Bolognese we recommend to use the…

Holstein Apple Cake – Recipe from North Germany

holstein apple cake

You can find many different apple cake recipes in Germany. Today we feature an apple cake as you can find in Schleswig-Holstein, a province in the North of Germany. There you will see apple plantations with special apples, the so called “Cox Holstein” apple…